For years I've been kicking around the idea of a Emory style Outlaw speedster build and as luck may have it, Arden Neer posted his project for sale here. It checked every single box with the absolute best of the best, so after some negotiations the deal happened. Tom Bucannon and I did a 630 mile road trip on Wednesday and picked up the project that included a fresh 2165 engine and Mendeola chassis with drop floor pans. The last 2 hours of the trip I went though unimaginable monsoons. I crawled around the speedster yesterday making notes right on the primered body surfaces and looked at a lot of Emory Motor Sports photos and specs too. Then took the speedster to a secure storage facility this morning. After I do the Dune Buggy build, I'll pick back up on this thread in December when I'll bring the speedster back home and start from scratch.
Years ago, I sold a couple of black Emory Outlaw shift knobs should anyone have one in their possession I would love to buy it back as they are no longer available.