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Anyone seriously looking for some Outlaw scrip for their Speedsters?

My Buddy is making me a set for the SC and just sent a pic of the solid model.

He's using an original Porsche nose script as a dimension guide and finishing up writing the CNC program this afternoon. Looks like this ought to happen soon. He has the week between Christmas and New Year's off, so he'll start them when he gets back into the shop.

Anyone want?

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Anyone seriously looking for some Outlaw scrip for their Speedsters?

My Buddy is making me a set for the SC and just sent a pic of the solid model.

He's using an original Porsche nose script as a dimension guide and finishing up writing the CNC program this afternoon. Looks like this ought to happen soon. He has the week between Christmas and New Year's off, so he'll start them when he gets back into the shop.

Anyone want?


Recent update: I just spoke with Chris and he's going to knock out two OUTLAW scripts for me before Christmas, as a present, sort of. I asked that they be proportionally larger than the Porsche script since my car is going to me silver and the scripts are anodized aluminum, I wanted them to show up on the car.

He's going to do some up for my 914 as well.

In addition to the script he asked if I could think of any other bits and pieces that the gang might be interested in getting. I'm handing him a horn button insert, a round body plate that covers the access to the rear torsion tube, a handle surround/base that fits between the door handle and interior panel, stock 356 shift knob, Speedster side script, Continental side script, European side script and such.

Anyone think of anything that might sell well? Maybe special engine designation rear deck lid script, or threshold plates, or number plate surrounds with logo or script on them? Obviously with the CNC and an image, design, or object as reference he can make anything at all. Since he's just fitting it in while running other programs, even a one-off is easily possible.

I was thinking that repros of certain extinct European dealership badges, or maybe custom "vintage style" badges for Carey's special builds or whatever might be cool.

Cool opportunity to have what you've always wanted, finally done up in polished aluminum at a really good price.

Any ideas, post them or lemme know, OK?


While I have not seen one recently, the 'Outlaw' badges that I am familiar with and last saw on eBay were meant to replace the Speedster, Roadster, Continental, European, etc. badges on the side of 356's. Have you considered making the badges in the continuous Porsche font? My calendar Outlaw is hankering for one.


Images (1)
  • Dragon9
Well . . . if it sounds too good to be true . . . . don't believe it ! ! !

Just got this email from Chris:


I don't know what the cost would be yet. I have to find out the price of material & the time involved. I did talk to the CNC Milling guy last night, he said he'd do some for me, but, he wants a cut too...

Anyway, I thought about it after talking to him & we both figured it might be better to find out how much to have them JET cut. On like a water jet or something similar.
We have a company that does this type of stuff for us. I'll have to find out what kind of a "deal" they can give me on say, a dozen to start (Maybe even 50!).
That should give me a good idea of price I would need to charge for them.
Thin material parts aren't easier to do. They are HARDER to do... The more Solid stuff is easier to machine.
They're easier to hold ridgedly (if that's even a word..). Plus the turned things I would be doing myself so I would be paying myself
with the profit to buy parts for the Shorty & NOT have to pay someone else to make them...
That's ONLY if they let me make them on THEIR CNC's! I might have to make some parts w/o them knowing...
That wouldn't be too productive, seeing, most of the machines are tied up with jobs. But, if I can find shit to make on the manual machines, I'd be set,
He said I can use them all I want!
Granted they DO take longer & they might not come out exactly alike either... BUT, They'd be close enough! It would just take me MUCH longer! Plus, I wouldn't be able to do the script manually.

I'll give you a call later today, after I get out, on my way home. I'd LOVE to get something going to help fund the Shorty! The one-off's would bring the most cash I think.
You know, custom stuff that not EVERYONE has. But, If i do them in volume as you mentioned, I could cut the cost of what they sell in the stores.
I just don't think I'll be able to get the volume unless they let me run them as a job in the CNC's. Maybe my boss will let me have them run as a job & I'd have to pay as if i were a customer of his,
but, with a discount, cuz I'm an employee! We'll have to see.


He's still going to run off two Outlaw script as he originally promised, I'll post pics if he comes through.
Access doesn't seem like too big of a problem but he's dealing with more people than he originally though he'd be.

I've forwarded everyone's emails on to him and begged him to answer them with an explanation and a potential time frame.

Sorry about all of this ! ! ! Last night it was a lock, today it's what it is, just another one of those,
"My brother-in-law borrowed my tools, but there's a guy at work who might be coming by this week end, and . . . " kind of things.

I'm truly sorry, I think that this will still come about. Just not as soon as he'd hoped. Kinda typical, I'm afraid, If it sounds too good to believe . . . don't believe it ! ! !

Again, SO SORRY for this ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Tell me about it ! ! ! If he ever does get his act together, he could make a fortune and every Porsche owner around would have their heart's desire in billet or brass. Just spoke with him a moment ago and he's (again) promised to make a set of Outlaw script like the one that he has the solid drawing of within the next couple of weeks.

If he DOES, I'll post a pic.

If anyone wants to encourage him to proceed, his email is:

His name is Steve, but we call him Chris.

That sounds like the name of the sixth chapter in my autobiography.
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