Thanks once again. Talk about perfect timing. Just got in to work and was about to work out the details on how to order the seals. Guess that makes one less thing to try to figure out.
When I get back, I am planning a trip up there for about a week. I will stop by and reemburse you for the seals. As always, I do appreciate your help. I will send you an e-mail with my address to send the seals to.
It is great to be part of a group that is always helpful when people need it. I only hope that I can return all the favors to everyone who has helped me with this project; Cory, Alan, Tom and Troy to name a few.
By the way, if anyone has the address to send the donation check to, please e-mail it to me. My smiley face went away and I don't have access to Paypal from these computers.
Thanks again, Jim