My paint job came out well mainly because I found this great guy just north of me in Everett who rents out his paint booth. He is from Egypt and has been in the states for quite a while, and has a pretty good sense of humor as well as a very stright forward way of telling you, that you don't know anything and to pay attention if you want to learn anything.
Renting his booth cost me $100 day. In the beginning I planned on 2 days. 1 to prime and 1 to paint color. The first visit I primed everything. After I was done, Amir looked at the car and gave me some pointers on wet sanding, and then off I went back to my garage. After a TON of wet sanding over the next week it became apparent that these fiberglass cars are not very true, so visit #2 to the paint booth was to build up another primer coat. This time Amir showed me some techniques in the booth. I had a full supplied air system and here he was in the booth with a smoke in his mouth, no repirator, showing me how to lay on the primer. Guess he must have been used to the stuff.
After visit #2, Amir looked things over and said "get to sanding". Then I said I would be back to do all the color in visit #3. Oh no, he said. You need to come back and just to the jams and back sides of the doors, hood, etc. Then put the body on the car and bring it all up at once and paint the outside. His logic (and what he does all the time for a living), is that the outside is the most important surface, and if you paint the entire hood, doors, etc, then while you are assembling the door, hood, etc to the body, you will, no matter what ding something.
So, I took his advice and came back for #3 and painted the jams. Then I went back, assembled everything (and did bump some primer like he said I would), and then once I got the body onto the pan, and the wheels on and everything, I wet sanded, and sanded, and sanded, 320, then 400 till I had a nice smooth surface on the outside.
Then it was time for trip #4, and the color coat. The big thing of the day was "take your time". In the end Amir said I did a very good job for my first car. It's not a show quality job, as there is some orange peal, but he said that was better than runs, and some of it could be buffed out.
I have not gotten to buffing yet, so hopefully that will make it really shine.
Oh, nice color by the way Jeff!