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Okay, folks. Let's see if we can do this the old fashioned way -- I'm passing the buck to YOU GUYS.
Use any one of these three photos, and paint me a scheme on your 'puters. Post the scheme you come up with right back here in this thread, and we'll all vote on them. Even rough cuts in MS Paint are okay by me -- as long as I can get the idea.
I'll take the top three to the painter with me, and we'll let him do his thing. (Provided I LIKE the top three ... heh, heh.)

Anyway, let's see what'cha got.

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Okay, folks. Let's see if we can do this the old fashioned way -- I'm passing the buck to YOU GUYS.
Use any one of these three photos, and paint me a scheme on your 'puters. Post the scheme you come up with right back here in this thread, and we'll all vote on them. Even rough cuts in MS Paint are okay by me -- as long as I can get the idea.
I'll take the top three to the painter with me, and we'll let him do his thing. (Provided I LIKE the top three ... heh, heh.)

Anyway, let's see what'cha got.


Images (3)
  • 110206 nose shot
  • 110206 tail shot
  • 111306 aerial

I'd tell you to ignore TC, since he obviously got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.... except that I tend to agree with the butt-ugliness of the "Gulf-Racing" paint-scheme.

If your tube frame was black, you'd have a lot more options-- but you are kind of committed to "take a walk on the wild side" with the orange, no matter how mild your paint choice ends up being. And that's what I would do-- some fairly simple color that wouldn't clash with the frame, rather than anything else from the citrus family. I'd spunk it up with Wyle E, and some stripes if you want.

Personally, I'd do silver.... but then again, every car I've ever had a choice about was silver.
Where did he get that windscreen?
Good find, Dale.
Cory, when it gets right down to it, I'd have to say that I like Hoopty the color it is now. I've grown to like the silver. I think the addition of stripes would be great. Maybe do them in a satin black with orange pinstripe borders. Hoopty is a beast and all business and I think silver with black stripes and the orange powder coat looks it.
Sorry, no photoshop image here.
BTW, the Gulf scheme looks wimpy.
Yeah, I've turned against the Gulf theme too. The more I think of it, the more I like a single solid color with some good, but not too large, graphics like the Wyle Coyote logo on the head farings. Perhaps something that goes with them on the front fenders, ala Ferrari emblem. And maybe - just maybe - something on the hood. I'm cool with silver, but it has sorta been done. I'm really starting to think white (perhaps pearl like Gordon's) would look good. Any variation of white would look good with all of the colors already on the car (orange, blue, chrome). Of course the advantage of silver is that it really makes the car a sleeper. The first impression would be of a mildly customized Speedster - until you open up the bodywork.
Okay Cory my speedstah brother - I'm a bit short on time to do up the hoopty, but here's what I have in mind using the colors you suggested. Silver, bright orange down the middle and the little contrast color in black or even in Fishcop (you know I'd throw Fishcop in here somewhere, right?). Don't forget da meatballs.


Images (1)
  • Paint4cory
You guys are funny.
I like the flame job, but I'm afraid of commitment.
Mark, the silver scooter is off the hook. Whacked out, yo.
The Herbie thing is funny, but I'm not doing it unless somebody gives me a white Vespa.
Silver it is ... maybe later this year. Terry, that's the best look yet. I want a higher-resolution copy of that picture, if you have one. I'll put it next to the blue Emory coupe in my file and seriously consider doing it that way when the time comes.
Wylie's going on the dirver's side cowling.

Sadly, the reality of the situation is ... as long as I'm still having to make structural modifications to the car, I can't even send it to the fiberglass guy. I won't paint it until it's done there, and I can't see spending paint money until I've stopped spending $200 a day on shop time for sheet metal. It seems like I have to do that to stay at the head of the line -- and, once again, the 'shop' is moving in a week.
It may make the Carlisle run in primer at this point. Good thing I can paint Wylie myself. Maybe I'll do that out on the show field, if nobody's going to bust my hump for doing it.
It's also fortunate that I like the Outlaw look, huh?

... And before this sounds like a pity party (which it's not) let me just say that I had the Hoopty out the other night with temps in the low 30s and TORE some road up with her. Bomber jacket, helmet, goggles and gauntleted gloves; warm as could be, except for the tip of my nose and my lower face -- I'll have to see about ducting some heat for next winter. (Maybe Brian in Canada-eh? can help me with that one.)
I've never had so much fun in my life driving a car. Oddly enough, when I'm in the driver's seat, I can't really see the paint job.

I agree about not seeing the paint from the driver's seat. I can see the tops of the front fenders, the top of the left rear fender (in the mirror) and the dashboard. Nothing else.

By the way, Cory, the guys did tell you about the Carlisle After Midnight Event, right? You know the one where everyone drives their speedster naked for about ten miles? They DID tell you right? I understand its a "fun run" that is simply NOT to be missed. Alan and Gordon usually lead the way.

Thanks, Ben!
Bill, that's pretty cool. A bit too modern for my tastes on a car ... Bike, yes. Hoopty? No.
Can you imagine the amount of time it takes to perfect that, though? You'd have to study fire behavior, nail down the colors, refine the technique on a bunch of unimportant pieces of metal with complex curves and such ...
I don't know that I'd have that kind of patience, but I'd sure love to have that skill.
I was at the national RV trade show in Louisville end of November and Damon Motorcoach had a 40' rear diesel painted with a similar flame paint job. RV was black and the flames seemed to dance in front of your eyes. It was incredible. It was a one-off just for the show and said to have cost over $50k for the paint alone. It sure was spectacular. I wish I had a picture to share.
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