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Looks like a group from up in north country (RS-60 Mark Patty, myself, Angela Lane, Rick Jiloty, and anyone else who wishes to join our caravan (which will pass through San Jose, thence to Gilroy, thence over to the coast and on down the PCH). We plan to leave Santa Rosa as early as possible on Friday April 21. So far, three 550s and Mark's RS. Let me know if you wanna be part of this bevy of people-magnets.
Wee change of plans at the Lane residence... We'll be attending but NOT with the spitter. I'll take the mazda wagon down. Still meet/join up with everyone and if anyone needs luggage space or your passenge has had ENOUGH of your driving, they are welcome to join me in the wagon. Looks like Steve will probably fly down as his work schedule went from no work to work yer buns off over the last week...

No problems, just a delay in motor shipping and the ignition system is MIA. We do not want to hurry through the install. Both of us want this to be perfect.

See you down there - will bring raffle/donation items. And I like the idea of most miles driven, longest owned etc. angela
Theron and San Jose-ites: Mark, Angela ( driving her Mazda, due to engine in Spyder not yet finished), Rick Jiloty and I will be coming through San Jose on Friday the 21st, then to Gilroy and probably over to the coast, then down Hwy 1. If you or anyone else in the SJ area want to join us, let me know, and I will cc the others. We plan to leave Santa Rosa before 8:30 AM. We have not calculated exactly when we will arrive in the San Jose area (I would estimate 2 1/4 hours), but if a meeting place can be suggested that is easy to get to from the 101 freeway can be arranged, let me know.

Theron and Troy: Since the coffee shop right off the freeway was mentioned, can you send me the address? I will pop it into Mapquest, then we can zero in on the location and plan to meet you there around 10:30, or maybe a bit later, depending on commute traffic. I will keep an eye out for an email reply, but time is closing in on us, so can you reply ASAP? We have not yet decided which route to take to San Jose....Mark likes the east bay freeway; my vote was for the 280. Please advise. My phone is 707-833-2585.
Cool Beans Coffee
171 Branham Ln
San Jose, CA 95136

Here is a link from the closest map point to 101 and onto the coffee shop.
From there I can lead us back to the freeway pretty easily. It is 3 miles off the freeway (6 mins) according to yahoo and south of the 280, 101 interchange so your can come down either route.

The earlier the better. I have a lot to organize in Paso.

Theron and Troy: Mark and I decided to travel down on Hwy 280. We have the address, will use Mapquest (I don't have a GPS; do not know if Mark does) to find the restaurant. I doubt that we can get there before 10:30 AM. Depends on the traffic, weather, accidents, etc. If you can give us a cell number (ping me at we can call you when we leave and maybe let you know when we leave SF. Mark and I will have co-pilots. Angela will have the Mazda. Rick Jiloty is supposed to join us....not sure if he will meet us at the restaurant or what. I will contact him, give him the address and see where he wants to join up.
It is about 180 miles from my home in Pleasanton to Paso which makes it maybe 140 or so from south san jose. I was hoping to get to Paso around noon - one so meeting up with you in south san jose at around 10:30 will work.

Lets hear from others passing trough or leaving the Bay Area. Per the registry there are around 40 of us within 60 miles of here. I would guess a few will be attending.

For those leaving with us from the San Francisco Bay Area, my wife said the weather will cooperate next week. (Yesssss!) My wife is ALWAYS right! It has rained almost every day for going on around 40 or more days. We are not in danger of floods, but the late Spring means that the car has been on the road only once. Snow country 356/Spyder owners: I feel your pain...Flash!...My wife just read the long-term weather report. On Friday, April 21st the Bay Area will hit 67 degrees under partly cloudy skies. Paso is to reach 68. Next week should be a GO! Hot Dawg!!
For those of us meeting in San Jose, I just received the following from a friend that lives in Paso Robles. Sounds like Cambria might be a good place to rest for a minute or so.

HIGHWAY 1 ??? What a ball buster drive!! I guess that's what guys in car clubs do however---they go where no one else will be!! Yes, at Salinas you go over to the coast on 68 and then head south past Monterey and Carmel and just keep going. A couple hours later and you will get to Hearst Castle area and then 11 miles after that and you come to Cambria which is a wonderful little beach town except you won't see it unless you get off the freeway and go through Cambria. That detour would add only about 1/2 mile to your overall voyage. You can get off at the north end of town, go through the town and get back on Highway 1 at the south end of town. If you want to stop for lunch, get off at the north end of Cambria (Moonstone Beach) and make an immediate right turn which takes you along the ocean front and a bunch of nice small hotels. You could have lunch (after your windy, twisty gut-wrenching drive) along the ocean. Anyway, when you are back on 1, go 4 more miles south on 1 and you'll come to the 46 west turn off to Paso. From there it is about 23 miles over the mountains into the south end of Paso. As you get close to Paso, you will go past about 20 wineries. If you drink wine, plan to stop at least at Castoro--it'll be on the right side and very clearly marked about 2 miles before Paso. Then, the easiest thing to do (for you as a visitor) is to stay on 46 and get on 101 NORTH and get off at the Spring Street exit (the first one) and then travel right through the center of town to the hotel which is at the north end of town. This way you go under the sign about you guys and also past the Park which is where I presume your event will be. Spring St exit off 101 is basically 1st streeet and they are numbered up to 36 from there.
All from the bay area and north. If we meet at Cool Beans per Therons suggestion we can then go south on 101 to 156 west to hwy 1 just north of monterey. South to Cambria then 46 west to Paso Robles. This should be one really great ride. Looking forward to seeing Agela and the rest of you Friday morning. I'll most likely be there around 9:30 with a book and some coffee.


Change in plans: I am boltering to Paso tonight (Thursday).

Barry says if he is not at the Bean by 10:45, leave without him.

Angela and her bicycle are already holed up in Santa Rosa. Tentatively she and Barry will leave at 8:00 from Santa Rosa and head for the Bean.

See ya all in Paso!

We all found each other the coffee shop and tore off down the road together!! Its now about 6pm, everyone is safe/sound (we think) down in Paso and checked into the hotel.

One red speedstah driving person who shall remain nameless got to spend a bit of time with the CHP. Same person who had quiet clearly discussed that "everyone's driving WAY too slow, can't even get the carbon out of the engines..." Hmmm. Of course NONE of us will mention this to him at dinner tonight. No of course not. hehhehe

Now to tangle up with that Mechanical Bull at Bubba's BBQ!!!

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