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Well, "the Great Northern Migration" is over, and Pearl is, once again, sitting in her garage in the Micro-State. She's filthy from the downpours and grime of I-95 in the Baltimore - New Jersey corridor, but none-the-worse for wear, and she trailered well throughout the 1,006 miles from home to home.

Truck/trailer kept up with traffic the entire trip (65 - 80 mph except for heavy traffic) and ran a respectable 14.5 MPG on gasoline. Scared shitless going through the traffic near NYC and crawled along with all the other truckers (who nicely warned me about the rough road surface ahead of time) just East of the George Washington Bridge (why didn't I take the Tappan Zee, instead??) where the pavement is SO bad the truckers only do 20 through there, regardless of traffic conditions.

Most Truckers we heard/met were super nice, although far more polite in the South than anywhere near NJ/NYC, and we even had few looking out for us as we made our way off the Jersey Pike and along the cross-Bronx Expressway/war zone. Nice bunch of folks, indeed, running traffic interference, making holes for us as we were changing lanes and making sure we were lined up for the right toll booths (wish I had my toll transponder, but it was in the other car - 8>(

Biggest problem we had was the people rubber-necking to see Pearl and becoming a traffic hazard (to me and everyone else) in the process.

Daytime Temp in Beaufort when we left: 73

Daytime temp in Tiverton when we arrived (3pm): 42 |>(

Now we'll wait for a warmer day to give Pearl a bath, along with the trailer and truck (maybe me, too!)

One of the "Speedstah Guys" from Rhode Island (and already missing the "Beaufort Speedstah Guys)
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Well, "the Great Northern Migration" is over, and Pearl is, once again, sitting in her garage in the Micro-State. She's filthy from the downpours and grime of I-95 in the Baltimore - New Jersey corridor, but none-the-worse for wear, and she trailered well throughout the 1,006 miles from home to home.

Truck/trailer kept up with traffic the entire trip (65 - 80 mph except for heavy traffic) and ran a respectable 14.5 MPG on gasoline. Scared shitless going through the traffic near NYC and crawled along with all the other truckers (who nicely warned me about the rough road surface ahead of time) just East of the George Washington Bridge (why didn't I take the Tappan Zee, instead??) where the pavement is SO bad the truckers only do 20 through there, regardless of traffic conditions.

Most Truckers we heard/met were super nice, although far more polite in the South than anywhere near NJ/NYC, and we even had few looking out for us as we made our way off the Jersey Pike and along the cross-Bronx Expressway/war zone. Nice bunch of folks, indeed, running traffic interference, making holes for us as we were changing lanes and making sure we were lined up for the right toll booths (wish I had my toll transponder, but it was in the other car - 8>(

Biggest problem we had was the people rubber-necking to see Pearl and becoming a traffic hazard (to me and everyone else) in the process.

Daytime Temp in Beaufort when we left: 73

Daytime temp in Tiverton when we arrived (3pm): 42 |>(

Now we'll wait for a warmer day to give Pearl a bath, along with the trailer and truck (maybe me, too!)

One of the "Speedstah Guys" from Rhode Island (and already missing the "Beaufort Speedstah Guys)
Hey Gordon! The South is already working its magic on you. If the temperatures alone don't do it, then the southern charm and easy going nature should. Glad to hear that you made the trip safely.

I hope that all things baby allow you to do Carlisle, but let us let nature take its course. Welcome back to the "micro state" but I hope you are already missing S.C.
John as in Hoss
one of the few Speedstah gahs from Tennessee
Trailer held up super - no flexing, and tracks like an arrow to up over 80, then stops on a dime (giving 9 cents change) .....

Janis' "Pearl" was WAY more psychedelic looking than MY Pearl - Mine's more understated!!

Alan - I don't know how you guys listen to the CB anywhere near NYC or its' surrounds - the language is way beyond horrible!! I found truckers in the South to be a lot easier to listen to.

Speaking of that, I would heartily recommend to any of you making long trips with your Speedsters, either solo or on a trailer, to get a CB just to know what's going on "up ahead" or to get local or traffic directions.

Secondly, if you ARE doing a longish trip (You listening Hoss and Jim-Bob??) then seriously look into either Satellite radio or get a decent IPOD for tunes along the road. We listend to XM radio for the first half of each day, then switched to the IPOD for the second half, but would go back to XM for traffic updates and weather up ahead - indespensible info on the road. We've got a large library of Jazz loaded (probably 20 - 25 hours so far) and have room in the IPOD for over 150 hours of continuous music without repeats. If you're driving a Speedster any distance, I would also invest in a decent pair of noise-canceling headphones, too. You won't regret it!


Oh, Yeah!......No snow in the driveway in Tiverton, and just a little snow here and there in the back yard. I bet most of you folks in the Northeast are already feeling the warmer days now that Pearl's brought the great Southern weather North with her!!
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