The pedals on my kit seem very ‘upright’ and are hard to operate. When pressing the clutch pedal, my heel is off the floor (there is no carpet or flooring yet, so that might improve). The brake pedal is a long travel from the throttle. The throttle pedal is very steep - I’ve seen photos of this pedal being ‘flatter’ but that will mean even more travel from throttle to brake. Can this be adjusted? Any advice welcome. See Photo.
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There should be an adjustable pedal stop for the brake pedal that would allow you to move it forward so that the distance isn't so great between it and the throttle. I don't see it in the picture but I could just be missing it. Your picture does show a fairly excessive fore-and-aft gap, but note that the Beetle pedal cluster has always had a fairly pronounced distance between brake and throttle so there is only so much you can do.
I hear you Steve.
The brake can be adjusted as Lane outlines. That leaves the clutch.
I "adjusted" mine by manipulating the stop. It's been 15 years, so I can't remember whether I welded or ground it (depending if the stop was on the top or bottom), so it'd be at a better angle to heel/toe. The throw becomes a bit shorter on the clutch pedal, but you can make that up with careful adjustment.
Happy hunting.
Actually I thin I do see the pedal stop. The light-colored plate under the bolt forward of the base of the brake pedal is probably it. Loosen the bolt and move the stop aft, which should mode the top of the pedal forward.
Lane - you mean the bolt and plate that's fixed to the floor? I'll try and adjust that, thanks.
Stan - I think the problem is, the pedal is too high (measured straight up from floor to pedal) for my feet (size 9). I think that part of the problem will be rectified if and when I fit a floor to the pan - but that's a whole other subject!
Thanks guys!
#2 is the pedal stop, but that looks like it's on the clutch pedal rather than the brake. Perhaps I'm just confused by the RHD pedal set. Try adjusting it and see what happens.
As for the pedal height, there's not much you can do other than cut and weld them shorter or install a heel rest to raise your foot. If it's still a problem once you add carpets and/or floor mats, I'd try the heel rest first.
Lane - it appears to adjust both at the samE time. I’ve pushed it as far as it will go and it’s a bit better. I’ll update this post with more info.