Been watching the clips on the Weather Channel - Looks like Atlanta got hit by the Perfect Storm: Ice then snow (then more ice), everybody left work for home at the same time and clogged the roads and the temps way below freezing so it stays on the road. On top of that, the road crews didn't get out ahead of the storm to treat the roads so they all became (and still are, 20 hours later) - skating rinks clogged with abandoned cars and trucks.
And that's only Atlanta!
How are the rest of you fairing down South? We're all prepared for storms like this in the North, but the speed and severity of this one would even have caught some of US off guard.
Hope all y'all are staying home and indoors until the roads thaw out. That might be Friday for Lane.......
And if you have elderly neighbors, please check on them to make sure they're OK, especially if the power goes off.
Stay safe! gn