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We like it too
Wow, unbelievable!
I'm in favor of it.
Of all the things I have experienced, this is one of them. Gets my vote.
At a loss for words ~
Yeah, well I just wanna say this about that...
Former Member
Yes, please!
...anxiety! This has never happened before!
What a bunch of...
Nothing that a little blue pill won't take care of.
Former Member
Vince likes behives....
Better at night.
Do a search and you will see this was just discussed about a week ago!
Lane had one but he sold it for nearly 30k
I got two, just in case...
I do like Beehives...but I hear Dale Bates has Testicles...
Darn..... Where were we.....
A pregnant pause ???
Do we know who the father is?
Like the blonde said "Are you sure it's mine, Doctor?"
Let's have Maury run the test.