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Baby moons for the most part. Crested caps standard on the 1600 super T-2, produced from Sept. '57 - 59.
Robert, if you're trying to get as close to the original, may I suggest you purchase the book,"Porsche Speedster", written by Dr. Michel Thiriar. It's an excellent guide for the speedster enthusiast.
If you're interested in what options were available for the 356 I would strongly suggest you check out Charlie White's literature website:
Not trying to get as close as possible to the original but since I need to buy some sort of wheel, or import the hubcap, I may as well buy the right type. Will see if the local Beetle shop has moons

So many questions recently as I live in Thailand and Speedster books are non-existent here. Will look in Amazon and see what I can find.

Thanks for the link

You need to check out this site:
I met Ming-Tang Lee at the Sacramento Bug O Rama and purchased one of his vintage shifters for my Berg 5 speed. He's based in Taiwan and his products are very nice. He is interested in producing a period-correct 356 shifter. The one I purchased will have to be shortened but the machining and quality is every bit as good as CSP and Berg. It is far superior to stock and that stupid Empi trigger shifter. His exhaust systems are beautiful and out-perform most available, including A1, and they look period-correct.

here you have some options for nipple caps (2nd & 3rd row), I got one of the hubcaps smashed in my car during shipping from Us to Spain, got one of the Empi badged 4 lug nipple caps, took the Empi away & rebadged with the Porsche crest on the old hubcap, looks exactly as the other 3. I also think you can get the P crests in the same places as you look for the rest of the badges, LMK if you have problems finding them, I also have some links somewhere.

I already wrote an email to you regarding the seats.

Also, be VERY CAREFUL putting the after-market Porsche-style caps on the four lug wheels. Those caps dent REALLY easily, I dented one of my first set with just the palm of my hand. The dent never really came all of the way out either. Oh, and use real 100% wax as well.


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