Several of you have asked about having a section where you could post pictures of your car and/or describe all the awesome specs about your car. Maybe even the trials and tribulations that you've gone through to make your car what it is etc. Technically there is a place each and every one of us can post a picture or pictures of their car and include a complete list of what makes their car their car.
Hover the cursor over your avatar/name box near the top right side of the page (it's the blue box), when the box drops down click on "Profile Page", below the blue box where it reads "Post Content" is another selection that reads "Post to this Wall". Click on "Post to this Wall" and a content box opens up that reads "Create Wall Post". Give the post any title you want. For Instance Will Hesch could title his post "Will Hesch - White Cloud" and in the dialog box you could list all of the attributes of White Cloud. You could add as many photos as you want. I made a sample post last night and checked it this morning and I could still edit/delete the post. This is nice because a standard forum post can only be edited for up to one hour. You can delete posts until @Theron closes the forum (I think).
Anyone could click on your avatar or do a member search and when you're on the member's profile page go to your/their "Wall Posts" and read/see what you've written/posted. I posted a sample on my profile page. Give it a look and see if it'll fit your needs. If not maybe we can convince Theron to make some adjustments.