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Engine issue: This morning, pulled the plugs & found # 1 electrode was flat.... hmmm not so good. Did a leak down tested on #1 at 60%, we pulled the shroud tins and heads . Found a very small piece of what I think is " EMPI" carb casting pressed into the top of the head,  the intake valve had light marking on the edge. That was enough to create the noise I heard going to the banquet. We completed the engine disassembly and did a close inspection -  measuring everything.   No other issues were found it's a new head assembly, bearings and gasket set then reassemble, sorta dodged a major bullet and in a few days it will be back as new. I'll never use Empi anything ever again. 

What I should have done (and what so many others have done) is disassemble the new Empi 34's carbs for inspection, confirm float height and I might have noticed there was not bore for one of the fuel mixture screws. Have since fixed those issues but switched out to new Webers.  There was a time years ago when we purchased a new car part you removed it from the box installing said part.  Now, we have to inspect every  new part to see if it's usable...……...Ahhh Soooo !

Last edited by Alan Merklin

Alan, great news on the fix.  Never thought you would not dope this out.  Damn brass thingies.  Sorry it damaged parts.  I had a similar event with something that I guess was bouncing around in there on a cylinder.  Never figured what it might have been. My best guess is it was ejected before any great trouble.  ASide from a high pitched noise that sounded like a really large valve clearance, which subsided shortly, engine ran fine. Mr. Piperato was in town and had a boroscope, hooked it to a laptop,, we looked in all cyls. One suggested piston top had been pinged some.  Nothing overt was found.  Compression good.  So  Just pressed on.

You guys who drop engines, tear em apart and put em back together in an afternoon just floor me.  I guess once you do it a few dozen times -- piece of cake. . . .


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