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What an absolutely awesome day for a cruise up Pacific Coast Highway, even for SoCal standards (80 degrees, clear blue skies and cool ocean breeze). Rendezvous of 11 cars in Malibu Beach then a 40-mile cruise up the coast to the Mullen Museum, and afterwards a cruise to the beach for lunch at the Rudder Room (beer dive joint).

On the way home, part of the group took a detour up through the infamous Mulholland Drive past the Rock Store then homeward bound.

Had a great time with my SOC buds!! Here are a few pics...

MusbJim - aka; El Guapo, the most guapo hombre in all of SoCal! 

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What an absolutely awesome day for a cruise up Pacific Coast Highway, even for SoCal standards (80 degrees, clear blue skies and cool ocean breeze). Rendezvous of 11 cars in Malibu Beach then a 40-mile cruise up the coast to the Mullen Museum, and afterwards a cruise to the beach for lunch at the Rudder Room (beer dive joint).

On the way home, part of the group took a detour up through the infamous Mulholland Drive past the Rock Store then homeward bound.

Had a great time with my SOC buds!! Here are a few pics...


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  • DSCF0056
  • DSCF0060
  • DSCF0066
Great run today...thank you to everyone who joined us...
Weather was perfect.......
Today was bring your pet day...check out Marco's pooch Ted, and Blake and Jen brought Rover & Charlie....
I had a great day....check it out...
Please excuse some of the shots, I should have edited, but i'm tired from the days activities....
The museum was fantastic......
Thanks everyone... I had a great day, great weather, great people.

Where else can you hear a man/devil tell you all about his favorite lubricants, drive past a girl peeing at the side of the road, and meet the world's largest dog. The dog that then attempts to steal your lunch whilst waving his proportionately large organ at you. It was Porsche Guards Red, with beehive. Trust me, you couldn't miss it.

Now I can make a little more sense of the whole SOC thing. You've created something very special, and it was fun to be part of it today.

Great day! Jimbo picked me up at 7:30 and we went to Vintage. Got to Vintage a little before 8:00 and picked up my car. Went to CVS/ Starbucks to meet up by 8:30. Blake and Jen show up with thier 2 dogs in the back....... Hmmmm I should bring TED. Caravaned down to my house and loaded TED. Cruzed through Seal Beach, Naples, Belmont, downtown Long Beach, over the 2 bridges and onto the freeway, TED caused a rear ender on the 405. It's kind of like driving with a toppless woman waving at everyone, kind of a seen..... Meet up with the troops at Topanga and cruzed thruogh Malibu. The Museum was cool millions of $$$$ in cars. Cruzed down to the waterfront and stood in line for food........... Looked at my watch and said "Gotago" I made it back in time to go shopping and take my mom out to dinner for her 83rd. Good times......


Images (3)
  • Ted
  • Mark and Teds Excelent Adventure1
  • Mark and Teds Excelent Asventure2
WOW! What a great day! Perfect weather, great friends, and DOGS! (not Vince and Gerd .... real DOGS!:-)
Thanks again Jim for leading this crazy bunch the whole day - you really are better than a GPS.

Hope to see everyone real soon... Charity Car Show, Long Beach Car Show, Catalina? (John has confirmed his initial impressions of the group and doesn't mind taking some of us over, but staying altogether in close quarters maybe a little much to handle. Especially after hearing some stories from Gerd and Vince in Hawaii :-) Many events coming up over the next couple months. Look forward to seeing you all.



Images (2)
  • Speedster Dogs
  • Rudder Room 1
Great times! This Cali SOC family we have is quite a hilarious group of people. We enjoyed riding up & down PCH, the museum and the food "made to order" at the rudder room. Cruisin' mulholland and the rock store was a blast and we had the LBC tour from Blake & Jenn before heading home.

The mullin museum was awesome... here are some pictures I took

Vince/Jim- how can we download your shutterfly pictures in full size- it doesn't give the option to do that? Or maybe you can email to me?

Oh and everyone- Mark & Ted caused a pileup on the 405, i'm sure pictures of Ted (aka the cow dog) are circulating the globe on peoples facebooks! Thanks for the beer Gerd, needed to calm the nerves.

Looking forward to the next adventure...
Jim, I'm really glad you take that little Fuji with you on every outing. It's one thing to write about an event, but another dimension entirely to see the pictures afterward. I realize what a giant PITA it can be to move the files around, but thanks for doing that out there.
I miss California when I see your beach/car/cool-"dudes y dudettes"-drinking-beer pictures.
I love reading everyone's recaps. It really was a great a day --except when I almost peed in the car :-/

Erwin and John, it was great to meet both of you. John, I hope you'll be willing be come hang out with all of us again, I mean, now that you've met us for the first time. If you want we ask Markos to put some pants on Ted.

Chris, tell Rebecca I lots of fun. Thanks again for dinner.

Chris, you're no slouch with the camera, either! Very nice work.
I guess I was aiming that specifically at Jimbo because he seems to have a camera for a face most of the time, but I absolutely meant it in a broader sense.
I very much enjoy EVERYONE's photos and descriptions.

It's been bugging me all day that I didn't clarify that. :)
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