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May I suggest that while we are ALL on our own for hotel, can you suggest an area where we can get a Hampton Inn (or something similar) so that most, if not all, can at least stay in the same property for evening activities (similar to atmosphere at Carlisle)..  I would be happy to call property and try to negotiate a rate?
Thank you.
Tom Lorenzo

April 9 is great, Lane. I also agree with Tom-- Make a recommendation, and let people book it themselves.


As far as "gauging general interest" and the like: I did Corn Daze twice. The weekend was lousy (a week or two after Carlisle) and the location was generally not a tourist destination. The second year we had about 8 cars, if memory serves. If you just pick a venue close to your home, pick a date, and roll with it-- if nobody shows up, you're out nothing except your time. Corn Daze 3 fell apart when my buddy Bob moved to FL, and I had a scheduling conflict.


The point is, I'd recommend just picking something and sticking with it. The Tail of the Dragon thing a couple of years ago (the one that was cancelled): I never popped my head up as a "yes", even though I wanted to go, in no small part because the weekend and the venue kept bouncing around. People need to plan. Give them something to sell to their wives.


Terry Nuckels has done the "Tour de Hoe" every year for half a dozen years. He picks a weekend when he wants to go, and he goes. One year, it was just him and his car on Indian Hill Road, etc. This year it seemed like half the world converged on Lake Tahoe. Either way, he had a good time, and got to spend the day in his car.


If you pick April 9 in Savanna (or Charleston... I'm not sure where that landed), then grab the bull by the horns and name it as the weekend. Flog it hard here. If you have to cancel, make sure you do it at least a month out.


Build it, and they will come.

Ok, we have the date-ish, by which I mean that we will link it to the weekend of April 9-10.  I expect that some will want to make it more than a weekend trip, and I will probably add a day or two of vacation to enjoy the sites and camaraderie.  I agree that hotels will be "roll your own," but I will happily provide recommendations and local research.  I have a friend that owns a very good Italian restaurant and he is a car nut and one of my track day buddies.  He is looking forward to doing a dinner for us.


So...  Now that we have a date, please let me know who's interested, who's coming when and for how long, and so on.  I will put together a list of activities and fit it to the folks who are here.

Lord willing, I'm in. Hopefully in the Speedster.


This will be part of a longer trip for Jeanie and I, but we'll be building it around this-- so if you could please firm it up ASAP, I'd be forever grateful.


Regarding the hotel: just pick one, and tell us to book it. Part of what will make this work is not flinging people all over the area. You don't have to reserve anything for anybody, but don't "give us recommendations to choose from". Just pick a place- tell us the Hampton Inn in Buttscratch, SC is "event central", and if somebody wants to book the Motel 6 or stay with Aunt Bea, it's up to them.


I'm assuming a two day event starting Friday PM. Correct, or no?

Last edited by Stan Galat

Bruce: Yeah I don't remember how this idea got started, but the momentum was for spring, with March being most likely at first (hence the title above).  Since folks seemed interested, I just ran with it.  Maybe we'll do a fall one as well.  We could even consider getting a track reserved for us.


Re. hotel: If y'all want me to I'll pick one, but it'll probably be a chain in Mount Pleasant rather than one of the more charming places we have here.  That way we have a reasonably priced base with the option for more interesting lodging for those that want it.  Due to past experience and uncertainty about numbers I will not plan to reserve a block of rooms at this time.

Last edited by Lane Anderson

Sandy and me look good with April 9th.  Stan, if weather looks good, I will drive the Roadster and sleep somewhere a little more than half way.   Maybe Knoxville Tn.  Lane, No war stuff for us (not our cup of tea).  Drive by and look at yes, but to walk through war museums not so much. All the other stuff you mentioned we are down for.   


Last edited by Marty Grzynkowicz
Originally Posted by Lane Anderson - Mt. Pleasant, SC:

Re. hotel: If y'all want me to I'll pick one, but it'll probably be a chain in Mount Pleasant rather than one of the more charming places we have here.  That way we have a reasonably priced base with the option for more interesting lodging for those that want it.  Due to past experience and uncertainty about numbers I will not plan to reserve a block of rooms at this time.



Yes, this is what we are asking for. Just pick one that is nice, comfortable, and not $500/night. If that's a Hampton in some nearby town, that's fine. Just pick one, and we'll reserve our own rooms.


Re: activities: I think eating and driving are what we are best at. Build it around that, and we're good.



Originally Posted by Lane Anderson - Mt. Pleasant, SC:

One bit of clarification - this event is NOT intended as a replacement for Carlisle.  I certainly plan to make the trek up north for that as well.  



I'm unsure why this keeps coming up and everybody seems to be obsessing about it. I don't know if it's because there was some general unhappiness with being lumped in with the ricers at Carlisle, or what- but the events are 6 weeks apart from each other.


Everybody just needs to take a deep breath and relax. The big show will remain the big show, even if Lane organizes something more low-key in his solar system in the Spring.

Last edited by Stan Galat
Originally Posted by Marty Grzynkowicz-2012 IM Suby-Roadster:

Sandy and me look good with April 9th.  Stan, if weather looks good, I will drive the Roadster and sleep somewhere a little more than half way.   Maybe Knoxville Tn.  Lane, No war stuff for us (not our cup of tea).  Drive by and look at yes, but to walk through war museums not so much. All the other stuff you mentioned we are down for.   


I need to drug Jeanie to go more than 4 hrs at a stretch in the Speedster, so I'll have to work out the details with her. I may just fly her to some point nearby and pick her up-- that's how I've had the best success.


I'm all in on a spring drive. After the wild year I've had, I need some windshield therapy.

I wish we could go,as we're actually in the area on our way back North around the first week in April, but that won't happen to work out for us.


Even though we can't make the event, I'll throw out my 2 cents on a good place to stay in the area where we have stopped on our way home from Florida.

Shem Creek is, I believe, in Mt Pleasant.  It was a very nice motel on a canal with a few very good restaurants, pubs and bars within walking distance. As I recall it wasn't very expensive and was central to some other attractions.


Hope y'all have a great time.



I totally agree, Stan.....


Carlisle will always be there, and 6 weeks between events is a loooong time around here (like, half a season!), but for those who can't make it to the "Big Hullaballoo", it's nice to have some more 'regional' things to go to - Many have been asking for that for a long time, too.  Like the gathering at Lime Rock for the New Englanders, the potential gatherings down in Florida and now a gathering for the Kiawah concours.  The weather is usually great in SC that time of the year, so all y'all should take the most advantage of it.  We need more people to step up and get some basic event organizing going for more of these things.


Marty:  While there are a number of really good museums and Civil War related things to see and do in Charleston, what Kathy and I like the most is to just stroll around the Battery (a peninsula between the mouths of the Ashley and Cooper rivers, south of Broad Street) and look at the historic houses there, but especially peeking in at the private gardens in the backyards, often seen from the street - Spectacular.  There is an excellent trolley tour of the city that I highly recommend, too.  Charleston is, arguably, one of the top three prettiest cities in the US and a bucket list "must see", especially in early April.

This won't include the Kiawah Concours as that is a bit later in April and I was afraid I'd lose too many folks due to the proximity to Carlisle.


Al - Yeah, Shem Creek is in Mt. P.


There are plenty of other places including one really cool B&B I know of.  I'll pick a middle of the road sort of place for home base and folks can do what they like if the want something more interesting (and $$) in Mt. P. or downtown.  I live in Mt. P. and consider it a very nice place without the crowding of downtown Charleston, so it may be a better base of operations.  It is also very close to downtown, the beaches, and most of the sites.  Heck, If y'all want to pay a visit on Saturday morning to Charleston Cars and Coffee (see photos at, I can arrange some parking for us.  I already have one of our main dinners in planning at the restaurant of a good friend and fellow gearhead.


I'll wait until we are a little closer to do detailed planning for events, but I am thinking planning for maybe three days worth of stuff that people can choose from.  Some folks will only stay the weekend and others will stay longer.

Last edited by Lane Anderson

If a hotel can be named as "event "HQ"' ASAP then everyone can get a reservation at once. Getting with it now will likely make it possible for all attendees to be at the same hotel. I'd not enjoy being scattered around different locations.


I don't see how a B&B will fit but I guess it depends on the B&B.  We occasionally stay at B&Bs and they are usually in large houses but the number of rooms is usually limited.


I'd say a Hampton Inn or a Courtyard Marriott in a location that makes sense would be best.  Calling the hotel at once and speaking with the manager might secure a great rate if we can say that "X" attendees will be there with the Speedster group.  Then everyone can make their reservation.


 Just sayin' ---but the sooner the better might be smart.


And we are looking for some of that famous Charleston seafood at those fantastic  downtown Charleston restaurants.  

Last edited by Jack Crosby

I'll get to it.  This weekend is prep for track day (Monday) so next weekend may work, but I have a lot of stuff I need to get done before some minor surgery that will limit what I'm able to do for a while.  I will try to get to this before Thanksgiving, but can't guarantee it.  I will pick a Hampton or something like that.  The other ideas are just for this that might want something special as there are a lot of such places here.


As for reserving a block, as I said early on that usually requires a significant guarantee from someone, and my past experience has been that getting a group of folks to commit and make reservations is iffy except for something like Carlisle.  I nearly got stuck owing a couple of thousand the last Asheville trip, so I am reluctant to do that.  I'll see what I can come up with, but I am a bit snowed under at the moment.

In the "for what it's worth" department.Lane,right about now your peeps are starting to lose interest for the lack of decisiveness. Make a decision! Don't wait! As an observation,your event planning seems to languish between "I'm all excited", and "I can't make up my mind"! In the interim,while your wrestling with "is this the right decision,best decision,etc.,etc.",people ARE losing enthusiasm,and very shortly you will be fighting an uphill battle to get participation! My 2 centavos. Speaking the truth,in love.

Lane---read Alan's post again.  Here's a start;


Event details and obtaining commitments to attend

1. Line out events planned. (Tours, walks, drives, etc, etc.)

2. Line up restaurants for group dinners.  (Private room & Separate checks)

3. Post the event schedule on the SOC and get commitments to attend.



Hotel arrangements: 

1. Call two or three hotels asap.

2. Tell them you are planning an event in April which would require X number of rooms.

3. Tell them you are looking for something better than the AARP rate to use that hotel.

4. Tell them the each attendee will call the week of X to make their own reservation and will identify themselves as part of the Speedster owners group. (This way, no guarantee is necessary).

5. Announce the headquarter hotel and rate to the SOC. Tell them that the rate you secured is good only until X date and to make their res at once.


"Build it and they will come".


This should be a wonderful event and we are looking forward to it.  It looks like folks from as far away as Chicago are considering attending. Thanks for coming up with the idea---and Charleston in the spring is incredible! 



Last edited by Jack Crosby



We are treating Lane like he going through his first pregnancy ! Many, many thoughtful  suggestions, but only one person who has to do all of the work. From working with Lane several years in a row to create a fall mountain weekend, i know Lane will get this done, if he can find time. Remember this guy supervises 50 employees in his section at work. If my schedule allows, would love to join you (with BigBird) during the period when Charleston has primo weather for top down drives. I can already smell the shrimp boiling ! Lane: I strongly suggest one evening meal at the Wreck on Shem Creek.

Psssssst!    Guys!


It's in Mt. Pleasant, close to the Cooper River bridge (which has another name, but that's where it is).


Call them - they've got the rooms and everything you need is nearby to walk to.


Just call and make your reservation.  Save Lane some work and bother.  


PLUS - they're less than 20 minutes from Lane's house, even driving slowly through his neighborhood.


Do it....Make the calls.....

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