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I've never really gotten over the whole no-trim-on-the-headlights thing. Makes those kits look very much like Matchbox cars, I think.
Someone here had one, and was converting it to a rotary powerplant. That car looked good - but this one's got too many things going wrong with it. (For some reason, I thought you were the guy with the blue one. Is my memory bad?)
This guy looks like an Eclipse-meets-MR2-meets-959 combo. With a Speedster roof and BRG paint to boot. The blue car was much more in keeping with what the 359 car wanted to look like - IMHO!

(Like I've got room to point a finger ... oops.)
"It has not been driven often ... ."

-- Duh. Who would WANT to be seen in that P.O.S.? I don't think even Captain Starbuck would hop a scoot in that bucket! It looks to me like the Chevelle owner wanted an Avanti, a Lamborghini and a TIE fighter from Star Wars all at the same time.

"Luke ... I am your father ... Join me, and together we can cruise the galaxy as father and son ... ."
Michael Morris out in Katy, Texas is the one that has the blue 359. His used to be 13B rotary powered from the CMC factory, but he is changing it over to Type IV power. Mine is just a regular old flared CMC. I am considering the rotary option though. I'm either putting a rotary in a dune buggy or my speedster.
By the way, your car is looking great. Only wish I could make the drive up to Carlisle to see it.
Thanks for setting the memory straight. I remember he had a series of posts on the merits and demerits of the Type IV and the rotary. I think the rotary would be great at speed, but I've never heard of one having enough torque to really do well off the line. Might not be a good candidate for the dune buggy, eh?
Thanks for looking at the Hoopty. Carlisle isn't the only trip it's going to take this year. I'll be up for "meet in the middle" road trips until the end of November, if the weather this year is as good as it was last. I drove the old girl for about three weeks -- something like that -- after I got back from Baghdad. I miss that, and I'm going to drive this SOB every day that the weather's above 50 degrees.
I gives a hoot if it's raining or not.
I'm hoping that the dune buggy will be light enough that the lack of torque will not be too much of an issue. The rotary that I have is supposed to be rated at 165-180 hp.
I haven't gotten too much progress done on my CMC since I got back from Balad AB, Iraq this time last year. It has pretty much just been taking up space in the garage. Too many projects and not enough time to work on them. Guess I need to retire from the Air Force so I can get them done. Hopefully if I ever get my car done, we'll cross paths. I am usually heading up that way 4 or 5 times a year.
yep guys...I have the blue one...and Jim has my old engine. Sorry you guys don't like it. I think it will look pretty good when it is finished and hopefully I can change your minds some...

If not so be it... my windshield is taller than this one on Ebay and I think its better proportioned. I liked all the looks I have gotten when I have driven it.

You've got a place to stay when you do, Jim.
Casa Del Drake can accomoodate five folks. Three comfortably, but five if need be. I'm geographically between Baltimore, Annapolis and D.C. at almost equal distances to each.
I'm just lucky in that I'm a bachelor with a VERY patient girlfriend. She's itching to go for a ride, so she doesn't begrudge me shop time. She didn't know me when the Hoopty last ran, so it's a big mystery to her. It's also my only major project right now.

Michael - I don't wanna sound like I'm backpedaling, but I do like the treatment you gave your 359. I think I e-mailed supportive comments about it a while back.
The only detractors I had noticed (inherent in the kit, not an indictment on your build by any means) are the lack of any kind of trim rings (on either one) and the green car guy's choice of amenities are far less sophisticated in appearance than yours. Your car looks like it probably would have, had it been a production car. His looks like a Speedster convertible top smashed under a 911 Speedster's tonneau, behind a standard-issue slap-it-on interior and windshield.
And that dude has painted the one on ebay GREEN.

All that does beg a question, though. Have you considered a 914 grille? Transverse instead of 356-ish? I wonder how that'd look in front of the wing.
I must be one of the few that really like the CMC 959! I see all the Porsche traits subtly expressed. Front looks like a Boxster. I like all the scoops and vents - real potential for alternate engines (RX7 or Subbie) and cooling of them and brakes. Only tuen off is the rear foil -- maybe some function LEDs embeded in it would help. Tail light look to be 914 too. Wonder how many were actually made? One search I did says they are still available from Thunder Ranch.
I am not too sensitive, don't worry...I am working alot so I can do what I want to do in the know, make hay while the sun shines? Very shortly, I want to finish it up RIGHT and have some fun with it..
Too bad the IRS put a big dent in my finances...otherwise I would have had it painted by now...

And guys..I take suggestions...
Wolf..suggest away...I sorta like the fin, but I am rechroming the hibachi grills IF I dont need to modify them for fitting the DTM... had an idea for me?? I am curious now...what was it?

Also not a 959 fan even on the 911 cars so this one does not appeal to me. However.

This car lets you get into the speedster club with a driving titled car for $6000. This is NOT an ugly car, just not my thing. The fellows reserve may only be 4 or 5. And that would make this car a screaming deal. angela
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