I just received the latest copy of our newsletter (titled OVERSTEER) for the local 356 Registry Club. Porsche has just sent an official letter asking (demanding) the we remove the word "Porsche" from our club name. We are part of the official 356 Registry! They are doing the Ferrari/ Harley Davidson thing about overprotecting their name. this is sad to see as they are stepping on the toes of those of us who have original cars and support the image. I post this to WARN SOC member s about Porsche bad guys (lawyers) who are after all of us.
I have my VS Speedster as a true tribute to the original and find this action a real division in what "we" do with our great cars. Do not let this bother your enjoyment of your Speedster and continue to enjoy them, but stay alert to the wolves known as "copyright lawyers" who are just out to make $$$ by creating problems where they do hot exist.
This has been especially disturbing to our local club (all members of the 356 Registry) we feel Porsche is trying to distance itself from all of we old time supporters. Sad times, eh???
Dusty and LMS
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