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Does anyone know where this horn button for a Darrington steering wheel can be purchased?   It is not the button sold by Sierra Madre for banjo steering wheels. 20160917_131122


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Last edited by Troy Sloan
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- NLA and Stoddard.   They got a new run earlier this spring...  They look great! .... 179$. Plastic back quality is so/so... But front finish is great.   Similar overall build quality to the flat four horn buttons.... But priced for Porsche fans.

- The horn ring/hub is from ISP West- 75$

Horn button is the same outer diameter as the flat four horn buttons.... ISP designed the horn ring/hub adaptor to fit the flat four and OEM period Porsche horn buttons.

it should also fit the moto-Lita/Darrington style 9 hole steering wheel/hub set up with beauty ring as well, similar to what you just purchased yesterday.   I had that set up with a Mike Lempert flat wheel earlier this summer... Someone offered me more than I paid for it, so I sold it, and I'm having Mike build me another wheel.

i have the same  setup you pictured a above on my car now... I'm in Prague this week for work, but can send pictures in 10days when I'm back state side.  



Last edited by Lfepardo

Here is my old set up, similar to your picture above... Pictured is my old horn button, not the one from NLA which I installed this summer.  Wheel came from ISP west as well.  Darrington style with a 1" dish... Nice as it brought the wheel closer without having to use a spacer.


The horn button pictured is a flat four... Started out as a plain back one, that I epoxied/custom embedded a hood crest on to replicate the original....

 The NLA recreation uses a slightly smaller crest, and has a better " bubble contour".... More rounded surface.

... Don't mind the gauges... I was in he proces of replacing the repos ( which had been retrofitted wi new VDO guts and OEM pointers/center caps. with refurbished '56 originals....




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I would assume Henry at IM would have something already on the shelves.... I believe I saw an IM crested horn button while visiting a Vancouver car event  last summer.  if not, a flat 4 black horn button and an IM hood crest could do the trick... I imagine.

...and sorry for my spelling/typos. Blame it on my ESL (English as my Second Language....well actually my fourth), and lack of proofreading what I write.  My bad.  You figured I would have caught it considering I still own a 50's British sports cars.


Last edited by Lfepardo

Ray, looking through my phone I found this Lempert wheel... VDM special made for a site member, Anand ( sorry if I'm misspelling)... Then sold.  I believe an SOC member still owns it  and was putting it on his new build if memory serves me.   Its just like what you describe... And with the dark ebony, thin grip, and rivets in the back, it's one of my favorite wheel styles.... This one started my wheel madness.


my only caution would be the size if you ask Mike to make you one... Porsche originals where 16" in diameter.  It's big IMHO.

Specify the size and the bolt patern-  He made me a 15" with a larger hub 9 bolt pattern and I loved it.... But so did a PCA member, so I sold it this summer... He paid me more than Mike charges, He didn't want to wait.  I'm asking Mike to build be a new one. He's an artist!




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Last edited by Lfepardo

Luis, That is the exact wheel that got me thinking.  But my interior is taupe and the car is grey with dark beige top. But that is what started the madness.  The one that you posted with the IM badge is nice but the GT wheel shows a much nicer button and the shield is below the epoxy or clear which is better for durability. 

So many wheels, so little time...I love the look of that banjo wheel with the white horn button.  That is class.

Henry installed a nice horn button badge on my IM6.  It matches the special one he made up for my hood.  I'm not at home right now, so I can't get access to individual photos, but you can scroll through these photos (if you are so inclined) to see the two badges.

Little touches can really set off one of these cars, as so many of you have done.

Last edited by Bob: IM S6
Troy Sloan posted:
Bob: IM S6 posted:

Let me be the first to say:  it's Derrington, with an 'e'.  One of the most favoured wheels for the sporting crowd, and proudly developed in England.

Thanks for the correction Bob.  I appreciate it.


No problem, Troy.  I only know because I had a Derrington wheel on my first car back in high school - a 1960 BugEye Sprite.  I think the wheel was worth more than the car, but I had a blast driving it (even all winter with bald tires and no heater), and that wreck of a vehicle got me started on a life-long love of sports cars.

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