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Are any of you running the Type 4 oil cooler in your Speedster?


I'm going to, it entails a bit of sheet-metal artwork but with 2 more rows of cooler-thingys than the Type 1, it's purported to be beneficial. Gene Berg makes a kit that helps with the sheet-metal remodeling which I plan to purchase.


I'm pricing the coolers anywhere from $50 to $200. The two manufacturers I keep seeing are Metrix and Meyle, do you know which one is preferable? Or is there a better one?


Thanks, Will

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Proverbs 15:15

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Originally Posted by Will Hesch:

Are any of you running the Type 4 oil cooler in your Speedster?

Yes. I've got one, because I use a DTM (and that's what they are set up for). I use a 96 plate cooler in addition to this (with a Mocal sandwich thermostat and a fan with thermostatic switch).


Airflow is poor in a speedster. You'll need all the help you can get.

Originally Posted by aircooled (Bruce):

I'm guessing here but based on the recent temp. tests I did, I would say that there may be at least a 1 degree improvement between the inlet and outlet temperature of the type 4 cooler verses a stock one.......Bruce

Not really worth the effort then, is it?

Originally Posted by Fpcopo VS:

What ext cooler comes with the VS?  A 72 or 96 plate.  If it's a 72, would it be worth going to a 96?  One of my coolers bungs is messed up and I may need to replace it anyway. If the 96 is overkill, I'll get another 72.

With some things, there is no such thing as "too much". Brakes are one of them. Cooling system capacity is another.


If you can do a 96, do a 96.

Last edited by Stan Galat
Originally Posted by aircooled (Bruce):

I'm guessing here but based on the recent temp. tests I did, I would say that there may be at least a 1 degree improvement between the inlet and outlet temperature of the type 4 cooler verses a stock one.......Bruce

So you're saying there is an improvement?  (in my best dumb and dumber voice...)

Frank....I kinda know your car now.  I moved my oil cooler from that void in front of the fire wall down to the left rear wheel well and got a slight reduction in oil temps. (It's behind the wheel) You and I got a 72" from VS. I'm real happy with this new location of my 72" and it's EASY to install and EASY to play with there. The oil filter is there as well. (horizontally mounted with a TOP bung Filter mount) I can send you photos if you like. The 72" is giving me about a 10 degree temp reduction between the in and out ports. By the way...the stock doghouse oil cooler is giving me only 3 to 4 degrees of temp. reduction between the in and out ports. If you have a "Mocal' sandwich temp. bypass your in good shape as well. Some of my oil temp. readings were actually too low to give me decent evaporation of water/moisture in the oil. (look at my post on oil temp test results)

I know you asked me to note what temp. I was getting at the rear oil pressure relief valve. I think you said that your temp. gauge in your cluster gets it's info from there. If that's true then you are reading oil temps in the 185F. range so what ever that sluggish gauge in your cluster registers is about that. It's just slower to react and lower in value than the T-3 dip stick area. On a long run they pretty much equal out. i hope this helps you. If your sender is up there tee'd off with the oil pressure switch....I have no idea ....because I didn't measure there.

Stan's recommendation that bigger is better applies. Especially if you have an oil temp. bypass system installed.

The Aircooled oil cooler package (that someone else mentioned) that claims to give you a 20F. reduction in the in/out temps. is dubious, I think, and it probably depends on a lot of specific conditions to be true. Hope this all helps.......Bruce

Thanks Bruce. Yeah my temp sender is tee'd with the oil press sender. I'm not using the sandwich thermostat but a Derale that is shaped like an H and is supposed to open at 180 degrees, the same temp as the fan turns on.  The reason I asked about the 96 plate is since I have to remove a wheel and the kafer bar to fix the cooler leak, to make sure it doesn't leak, I'm going to put in a new cooler and if I'm doing that I might as well put in a 96 since it will fit.  The thermostat should stop it from over cooling.

TRP...Yes, I think there would be an improvement by installing the type 4 oil cooler.


As i said before, "I'm guessing here" because I have not tested the type 4 cooler and compared it's performance to a stock cooler. The stock cooler reduces the temp. only 3 to 4 degrees. Not very efficient in my opinion. A 72" external cooler reduces the temp about 10 degrees.  So my logic says that the two extra tubes in the type 4 cooler won't reduce the temp. enough to justify the cost. From what i understand, using the type 4 cooler with the DTM shroud is a good arrangement and works very well. I'm sort of headed that direction. I am also thinking of using a horizontal fan and alternator system. In this case I wouldn't even use the an oil cooler in the stock location. Just use an external cooler.

So, again, yes the type4 would be an improvement but not worth the investment.


Frank.....While your switching stuff around are you going to mount the new oil cooler in the wheel well ?

Why not move your temp sender as well ? Just remove the little block-off plate located on the lower right rear of your crankcase, drill and tap it for your sender,and extend the green wire down to it ! You can drill the hole lower (off center) towards the bottom of the block-off plate. Use the gasket to index the hole on the crankcase so your temp bulb will be as low as it can be below the oil level but still clears the crankcase hole. Easy Peasy......Bruce

Hi Bruce,


     I'm a lot hard headed at times and I completely agree that the wheel well location is a lot better in a lot of ways. That being said, I think I'm going to keep mine in the present location as it is packaged very well with the way my hoses are running to and from the thermostat, and it seems to cool fine where it is. Also, I would have a bunch of drilled holes not being used in addition to the 4 bolts thru the back bulkhead that can only be removed by ripping out the rear carpet. 

     As far as moving the sender, will I gain anything from that?  I would have to redo a bunch of wiring to do it.

Frank....Your fortunate. Kirk just stuck the bolts right thru the carpet to mount my oil cooler so I just left those bolts in when i moved the cooler. It would have looked nicer if he had covered them with the carpet.

If your happy with the location of the oil temp sender...that's cool too. If you want to change it later at least you'll know how and where.

Has it cooled down back there yet? It did here and we got rain the last couple of days but now it's supposed to get back up to the triple digits by this week end again.

I'm going over to see Kirk tomorrow so it'll be a nice drive in Rhonda......Bruce

It's been in the low 40's when we get up in the morning.  One day last week, it was 46 here and on Good Morning America they showed somewhere on the West Coast at 106F that day.  what a difference a coast makes!


Right now, 9:49pm, it's 54F and tomorrow it's going back up to around 70 or so.  I never know what the hell to wear when I go out on my bike, lately.

Gordon.....It was 64 at 5:30 this morning here in Arcadia Ca. I almost turned on the heater but decided to put on a sweatshirt instead while I enjoyed my Coffee.

I have never met you but I really appreciate your comments on this web. They are both current and reflective and project a lot of knowledge about our cars. in some instances they, to me, provide wisdom. i appreciate that, so thank you.

When I read about you guys back East and driving your cars in really cold weather I shiver and appreciate that we don't have to do that out here. BUT, my thoughts and appreciation for all of you doing this never wanes!

I am blessed to have good enough weather to drive around all year long out here and can't imagine being stifled by Cold!!! The Spirit is with us all and I applaud you all on "that other coast"..........Bruce

Originally Posted by aircooled (Bruce):

Frank....Your fortunate. Kirk just stuck the bolts right thru the carpet to mount my oil cooler so I just left those bolts in when i moved the cooler. It would have looked nicer if he had covered them with the carpet.

If your happy with the location of the oil temp sender...that's cool too. If you want to change it later at least you'll know how and where.

Has it cooled down back there yet? It did here and we got rain the last couple of days but now it's supposed to get back up to the triple digits by this week end again.

I'm going over to see Kirk tomorrow so it'll be a nice drive in Rhonda......Bruce

Wow you are right, mine are almost invisible under the carpet. It's actually been very nice here, lows in the upper 40s, highs in the low 70s. Last Wednesday went to the cruise night and it got kinda cold going home with the top up so I put the heater on high to warm up my feet. Man that thing really blasts out a lot of air. It's not hot but pretty warm so I'm happy with it.

Bruce wrote: "When I read about you guys back East and driving your cars in really cold weather I shiver and appreciate that we don't have to do that out here."


Yeah, with absolutely zero heat in the cab and with the top up, it's just like the "Old Days" of my 57 Oval VW - breath frost inside the car when cold outside.  I haven't needed the frost scraper on the inside of the windshield.....yet.


Still slowly working on getting my BN2 heater going.  Seems like a Wolfgang project.  I believe I have everything I need, but life keeps getting in the way.

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

I will add that my Espar gas heater makes my car almost a year round driver.  The only times we don't enjoy it is when we're having summer temps of 105 degrees.  That baby gets pretty hot----not the engine, but the seats & interior.  I wish I had the talent to get a BN2 going like Danny and Gordon but I just don't.

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