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I was talkin' with Cory the other night about 356's and stuff and I was explaining that if I did anything with the "new" 356, it would be something of a gasser project. I'm having trouble with email, so I'm putting the pics here instead. (One of the benifits of having a smile face ! ! Guilt-free taking advantage of Theron's good will AND band width.)

If you have this:

And really like this:

And already have most of the parts and know how to weld . . . you'll eventually end up with something like this:

That said, with three projects ahead of it, there's no chance at all that it'll ever get done.

This is pretty much what I was trying to explain last night. A whole lot of work, time, and a little money, but it's still a rusted 356 . . .
Quoting Ralph Kramden: "You are a mental case..." and I mean that in a good way. Where would civilization be without guys like you who dare to go where no man has gone before?....It's cool and you're not commiting a crime; like what Boyd Coddington does to otherwise good vintage cars. Keep up the good work and imagination, bro!!
Oh, no, Dave. He's the real Frank(enstein) McQueen. You should SEE some of the cars TC's willing to street or take to the track. And, being as creative as he is, that little Photoshop venture has great potential to be a metal and rubber endgame for that coupe.

Esther, there's magic in that there snowman's hat. That's all I'm sayin' ... As one snowman once said to another, "Do you smell carrots?"
I WISH that I was going to be here for the Holidays myself, it would be SUCH fun to meet more of the forum friends, so far I only know Gordon and Boston Bob, although they're real good friends now. My Father has had brain surgery, cancerous tumor, and we're involved in getting him down to Florida so the Holidays are pretty much spoken for, probably a couple of weeks, really.

Oh, and I HAVE no garage! Anything big we do in the barn over Todd's place, or sometimes Gary's, otherwise, I make pretty good use of my driveway Around here we don't lock or even close the doors, the mail men/women just drop packages in the kitchen, so I can pretty much leave the tools and welder in the driveway for weeks at a time. No big deal.

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