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Several folks approached me at Carlisle about putting together another gathering in the mountains this fall, but I have done nothing so far.  Pam's folks (in Asheville) are having some health issues that are making it tough for us to do much scheduling right now, so I'd like to toss the reins for this event (should it occur) to someone else this year.  If an event is put together I will do my best to join in, but I don't want to take the lead and then have to pull out at the last minute.


I'd love to do something since I'm feeling starved for a Speedster gathering.  If anyone feels inclined to set something up, I'm sure many would appreciate it.

Formerly 2006 Beck Speedster (Carlisle build car), 1964 Beck Super Coupe

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I would like to help out, but the recent move and some minor health issues have temporarily axed the finances to a degree....   We would attend and possibly assist with the logistics etc...  We were planning a cruise up the Blue Ridge Parkway this fall, as far as we could get in an unspecified amount of time.....( This was also axed. )  Might be a slightly different type of tour....  

Lane, I really enjoyed last fall, but won't be coming this year.  I've been to Carlisle, SoCal, and Asheville.  Next trip for me is going to be Corn Daze if they can avoid the weekend around 6-18 and 6-20 which is my son's and wife's birthdays, respectively.  I highly recommend the trip to anyone else.  The roads, scenery, accommodations, and company are first class.  If you live further north, it also extends the season for you briefly.  It was about a 10 hour cannonball run for me from Detroit.

To quote Rodney Dangerfield, when I die I'm going to have my body donated to science fiction.


I lived for 57 years without breaking a bone, and rode for 41 years without ever going down.  Thanks to a Ford F-150 that ran a red light at 50mph and T boned me  I...


1)  Shattered my left forearm and wrist.  Plates, screws, 2 surgeries, and bone grafts.

2)  My right shoulder dislocated and broke the acromium on it's way out.  More surgery, more plates and screws.

3)  Tore my rotator cuff in my right shoulder

4)  Stretched my brachial plexus, giving me a paralyzed right arm which took 4 months to the point that I could stand and curl a 1 lb. weight. To this day my entire arm and hand are still swollen and weak, with intense neurpothy.

5)  Basically sanded off the skin on my knees almost down to the bone, and tore the meniscus in my right knee.

6)  Severely sprained my right ankle (it's still larger than my left) and broke 4 bones in my right foot.


So yes, I AM that broken down, but now I'm going to hop on my soapbox. 


I have to say though, proper gear saved my life.  I had on a Shoei full face helmet, a Dainese jacket with full armor, Held race gloves, and Sidi race boots.  Unfortunately I was wearing jeans, hence the kneecaps.  Had I been one of the Harley guys I see riding in the vanity helmet with a tank top and no gloves, I'd have been dead road smear.


Okay, soapbox rant over.


My Ducati didn't make it.  Forks, frame, swingarm, wheels... you name it and it was bent.  I ended up 120 feet from the point of impact, the bike 140.  At least Francesca absorbed some of the blow, also helping me live.


That was 13 months ago, and I started riding again in March.  To ride to work, I still wear the same level of equipment I was wearing that day, except I wear kevlar jeans.  Whenever I go out of town however, I wear the full race suit and go in a group.  My family and doctors know that this is something I need to do and they're supportive.  I know though that I was fortunate to survive the last accident and might not again.  I dress and ride accordingly.


So when you have your gathering, I'll most likely be there on my Street Triple.  I can't wait!

Last edited by Hazzbin

UPDATE:  At Cars and Coffee today a friend mentioned the Euro Auto Festival that takes place at the BMW plant in Greer, SC in October (18-19 this year).  I am seriously considering making that  trip this year as part of a visit to check in on Pam's folks.  If y'all want to meet there, it could be a good time.  I'm not sure if I'll bring the Speedster or not, but it'll still be fun.  Check out Anyone interested?

Depends.  As I said in the beginning of this thread, I'm not able to do a lot of planning for this like cruises and such, but since no one else has stepped up, this event looks like a fun one to sort of glom onto.  The Euro folks have several cruises that some folks could participate in (check the website).  Given my unknown family commitments, I may only be able to come to the show, but I've heard it's pretty impressive.  If others want to come and also do some driving, there are few areas prettier than the southern Appalachians.  Many driving options (including the infamous Tail of the Dragon) are within easy driving.

I would like to propose something novel, for both the guys AND their dolls.  BRP tours with the cars, while the wives are riding horses in the mountains of NC.  


The place I am thinking about is near my home and could offer an attraction for the wives.  We all know they are getting tired of sitting around listening to us talk cars...


Check it out and I am open for opinions


There are private cabin rentals, so everyone can have privacy- or we can share cabins with those we feel "that kind of" comfortable with (Think Hoss and Geraldine).  There is a restaurant/bar on the property.  Horse rentals and trail rides for the gals.  Hell, we could even arrange for massages to keep your other half entertained while we are tearing up the twistys.  Short zips to Boone and Blowing Rock for day trips, with lunch spots to be arranged by an expert tour guide... yours truly.


Hell, I lead the rich and famous around the world- why not lead a bunch of Speedster freaks around the mountains of NC??? 


If there's enough interest, I will begin looking into pricing and cabin options.  My wife works at the place, so I may be able to sweet talk her into a group rate on the cabin rentals if there is enough interest.


The only contingency is I would need to block dates out, as I have boat thing to do in the middle of October.  


Idea is on the table- but I would only be able to participate on the weekend of September 23 (Thursday) or the weekend of October 3 (Thursday).  


If this seems of interest, cool- If not, I will take no offense.  Just thought I would throw it out there.


(Lane- You and Pam are staying at our house- It ain't much, but the price is right.)

Originally Posted by CaptainSTeele:


The only contingency is I would need to block dates out, as I have boat thing to do in the middle of October.  


Idea is on the table- but I would only be able to participate on the weekend of September 23 (Thursday) or the weekend of October 3 (Thursday).  


If this seems of interest, cool- If not, I will take no offense.  Just thought I would throw it out there.



There is a problem with the dates above- the weekends are either September 19-22, September 26-29, or October 3-6.


Any interest and I will ask Christine to look into discount packages for cabin rentals.  My thoughts were to do daily cruises to lunch spots in Boone and Blowing Rock, followed by cruising in the area including BRP days.  Evening nightcap spots with some great views, maybe some live music thrown in.  There is a restaurant at the resort, with a bar- so we can be as rowdy as we wish.


Check your dates and see if it's worth my pursuit.


All-Righty then,
Lane and I are going to go for a few day's with the wiggly bits and if anyone wants to join in... come on up/down/or sideways.  The weekend is the 26-29 of September, and since it's been such a wet spring/summer- 
we will pray for it to dry out by then.
I have discussed cabin rentals with Christine, and it's first come first serve.  There will be no reserving blocks at the hotel, no organized dinner rooms, but if there is any interest in someone joining us- I can guarantee that the Leatherwood folks will go all out for our guests.  Restaurant/Bar/etc. is all on the table if anyone wants to come along.
Here's what we have planned:
Day 1:
From base camp, we will wiggle our way up to Blowing Rock via the BRP.  I figure taking in a little ice cream at the local shop and sitting on a bench in town talking cars should pass an hour or two.  From there, we should do lunch at an old speakeasy called Canyons.  It has a little terrace that overlooks the hills and is a fantastic way to spend a late afternoon.  Then it's down the hill on the new 4 lane where you can hit the apexes with gusto.  That leads to one of NC's Scenic Byways, and will spit us out back at basecamp.  Dinner/drinks at Leatherwood- Saddlebrook Restaurant.
Day 2 would entail a morning start, with breakfast at the famous Daniel Boone Inn.  It's an all you can eat, country style breakfast where they just keep bringing more and more food.  Eat 'til you're about to pop.  Just ask Tom Raymond!  After breakfast, I want to ride the BRP north to the Mabrey Mill where we can take some time to take in the sights.  It's a great photo op spot, so Lane and I will be gunning for the 2014 calandar.  Back down the BRP, and into Wilkeboro.  Dinner in town and back to basecamp.  Lunch will be skipped today- as breakfast should hold us over until the eve.
Day 3
I will probably lead Lane over toward Elkin, where there's a little vinyard that has been doing Sunday homemade pizzas in the wood fired oven for a few years now.  A glass of red and a homade pizza never hurt anyone did it?  The owner only makes so much dough (litterally), so we will have to motivate to get there for noon. Elkin is in the general direction of South Carolina, so Lane will be pointing in the right direction.
If anyone wants to join for Thursday arrival, I am sure we can set up a time trial that evening on a wiggly looped section near basecamp to see if anyone hit's the mark- timed rally style (Hope you don't mind, but I will set the rules!).  I've got a few nice bottles of aged Rum I will put up for prizes for quickest loop and closest to the marked time.  Sound like fun?
Lane said he had a little leeway on the weekend, and I will be accomodating as well- if anyone wants to join.
Email to:  Captain (at)
Cabins starting at $75 per night, but you have to be quick.
Come one- Come all!
Marty- Sandy?
Jim I.- wanna fly in?  You can drive "The Roach" my other car (911 cab) and join the gang.  Gas $$ is on you!
Leon- Margaret?

Scott---what a great idea!  Sure, Alice and I would join you for this and likely Russ and Brenda too but the dates will determine if we can.


We get back home on Sept 5 from a 16 day trip--a Viking River Cruise from Prague accross Germany to Paris to celebrate our 30th anniversary so things will be backed up aplenty here when we get back.  I then have to spend time closing one business I sold last week plus show two others that I just listed to prospects when we get home, so that October date would be the only one we could do.  I'm sorry there's no way around that and hope the others could do the October dates.  The added attraction of October is that the fall foliage color should be at it's peak at that time.  (Some of the previous TOD runs were with the leaves looking like the middle of sunmmer.)


Good on ya for this great suggestion and super plan!  I hope the others can do October.

Like I said before, the dates are bendy- I just can only offer my assistance up to the October 3-6 weekend.  Otherwise, Christine my wife, will be happy to plan and coordinate through the basecamp.  


Let's keep this on the radar screen, and if anyone needs to call Chris for cabin details, horse rental detais, massages for the ladies, etc.  Her work number is 336-973-5044.  She works Tuesday,Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday most weeks.


Otherwise, I am always available via email for any ideas.


From the terrace of Canyons Restaurant-Blowing Rock, NC 




Images (1)
  • IMG_1334: My point of view from Canyons Restaurant

No problems!  It's my pleasure to show some folks around our stomping grounds.  It's a beautiful little piece of the world.


FYI- I chatted with Christine, and she said she may be able to offer the tiniest discount on cabin rentals if you mention that you are with the Speedster Group.  So... mention away!!  She also said she could help in the coordination of any masseuses, day kayak trips, horseback riding tours, fly fishing excursions, etc.  


Give her a shout, and make her earn her pay!!

I just got off the telephone with Tom Raymond, and he has informed me that he is booked.  I recall him saying he would arrive on Friday and depart on Sunday.  

So, with that, Tom has inadvertently set the date.  The weekend of the function is September 27-29.  
Tom made a note to me, and wanted me to mention it here.  He inquired about a 1BR and the price for the first available 1BR was more expensive than a 2BR with a loft.  So, in turn, he booked the 2BR and wanted me to mention that if anyone was interested in splitting the cost of the cabin- he was game.
He also mentioned the offer was on a first-come, first-serve basis.  So, with that in mind.  Talk amongst yourselves, and if you want to split cabins to save a little $$... the option is there.
I know that Leatherwood has 2,3,4BR and up, so it may be an option to look for a bigger house, to save some $$ and do some sharing.  
Remember, sharing is caring.... or some crap like that!!
Just throwing it out there.

Captain and Lane, I'm going to see if I can make the September 26-29 weekend, sounds like a great time in my backyard.


Also if anyone is interested the Eurofest 2013 at BMW is Greer, SC is the weekend of Oct 19 & 19 and they are featuring Ferrari as their marque car for this years show.  Steve from Speciality Auto will have a few cars under the Vendor tents.


They will have a Upcountry Winery Tour from 9:00 to 2:00 on Friday 10/18. 


Take a leisurely drive in your classic car over rolling, picturesque terrain of upstate South Carolina and the mountains of North Carolina. Leaving from the host hotel you will travel the less traveled route past beautiful estates, horse farms and fall colored foothill mountain views as you navigate over scenic roadways, stopping to visit three wineries along the route. The wineries to be visited areOvermountain VinardsParker Binns Vineyard and Green Creek Vineyards. Lunch will be served and maps will be provided.


Here is  link to the event.


Lane, BTW we are at about 95% of our rain level on my side of the mountains.  Kayaking could be very interesting these days, back in my younger days I use to kayak all over the NC mountains.




This is Tom Raymond, not Lane. I do not know how the site has done this screw up to my SOC login, especially since I am much better lookin' than Lane ! Hey uglier brother: maybe this happened when you logged on to the site using my iPad back in May ?


anywho, I have booked a two bedroom unit for $175 per night ( cheaper than the $219 delux one bedroom they had available), and am looking for folks to share the space. Ck in Friday 9/27, and ck out Sunday 9/29. Feel free to contact me off site:

This sounds like a fun weekend.  Sarah and I will be chasing, or being chased by, bison in the Black Hills that weekend.  I hope the rut is over and the bulls aren't too horny, horny as in equipped with large, goring horns as we observe the drive.  This is an annual event there and one we have been looking forward to seeing.  Being based in Rapid City, we will be in driving distance of Mount Rushmore, the badlands, Devil's Tower, Wall Drugs and the Number 10 Saloon, just to name a few sights.   

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