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I talked to Christine today, and she told me there was a wedding booked for that weekend.  So, with that in mind, your room may become a hot commodity sooner than later.


Anyone considering this tour may want to come off the fence, as there is a finite number of houses in the resort.  Last minute bookings may not be a feasible option if you want to stay at Base Camp.


Just sayin'.

I don't think it is a lack of interest, Stan. I am interested, but with a very busy fall and a ten hour drive to get there I couldn't pull it off. I only have three vacation days left at my job.........


For some of us, the expense is a factor also. With the time off and the cost added together, it's why I didn't do Corn Daze this year. Maybe next year?


I'm really bummed that I cannot attend the NC mountains this year.  It's smack dab in the middle of the Illinois Starved Rock run & the  Wisconsin Kettle Moraine/Elkhart Lake run I'm doing with the North Chicago guys.  Like Danny said, the North Carolina event is so far away for many of us.  For me it's like 5 days and that's the one that had to be cut out.  Thanks for taking the time and effort and I hope you guys try again.  The best time I have ever had in my tub was in the Smokies.  Hopefully I'll get back out there sooner than later:-(

If we could get a +1 for Tom, I wouldn't be so worried about the numbers.  We could just have the 4 of us doing our thing, and I am sure we will have a fine few days of driving, eating, and socializing.  What started out as a loosely organized event, shall remain a loosely organized event.  Big groups always freaked me out anyway.  


See you in the hills!

This is becoming endemic as we, as "members" of the SOC, begin to find local clubs to join and get involved with their events.  I have been a member of the New England 356 club off and on for a long time and really have a lot of fun doing local events that can be done in a day or two and don't end up costing me over a Grand to attend, like Carlisle does.  I hung out with a bunch of people from my local club at Lime Rock this past weekend and only saw Rick and Michelle Milczanowski from the SOC - I'm jus' sayin....


This season, after Carilsle, I've done a couple of tech sessions, three really good  BBQ's (OK, so one was a lobster and steamer thing, not actually a Barbecue), a couple of Saturday Breakfasts, ran two lunch cruises and attended one more, did a couple of shows and did the Lime Rock weekend with the local club.  Most of these only cost me a tank or two of gas, not the $1,000 bucks going to Tennessee would cost, so you might begin to see why the sign-up is so low.  Besides, I can get roads like that in New England, too.  


It's nice to be part of a National organization, but that only comes about because of the Internet.  The real key to this hobby is to become part of a local organization that does things that you can actually attend and not break the bank (Or the retirement account......whichever).


Just my Dos Centavos......



You say that a lot and yet I've told you about three Speedsters and a 550 in Beaufort, alone, (2 hours away) and another two in Summerville (1 hour away).   And that's just south of Charleston.  I bet there are several more close to you and you've never found them.  The Beaufort club is doing something EVERY WEEK.  You could certainly get involved in something there.  They're up at Bessinger's on RT17 in Charleston every month.  Bet you haven't been over there either.


I think this weekend they'll all be at a HUGE show at the car dealer strip in Bluffton, attended by clubs from three states.  Te schedule is on Facebook, but look here:


Get out there, join some local clubs and get involved.  Either that, or sell the Speedster and buy an MG.

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

I'm with Scott.


The key is not in joining a local club. I have no idea what it's like elsewhere-- but I have no desire to trailer my car to a park, wax it, and sit in a lawn-chair all day while people paw it. The key is in enjoying the car you've got, even if nobody else wants to drive around with you or even "gets it". I've got the luxury of a solid core of SOC guys in the midwest right now-- but for 10 years and more, I didn't know anybody even sort of local with these cars.


I loved my car even when it was just me. Coming home for a drive after work is like a 20 minute vacation. Cruising around with SOC guys is icing on the cake-- the car's the main course.

 The Exalted Ruler of Stanistan knows of what he speaks!


Enjoyed cruising my VS nearly 10 years (and 50,000 miles) before discovering the SOC. One day, an SOC member (David Salvator) passed me on Pacific Coast Hwy and shouted out 'Check out', and the rest is history.


The Speedster replicar experience (The Madness) is merely enhanced by the company of you bunch of knuckleheads. 


Pismo Park Pano_2




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Last edited by MusbJim

Gordon, I am involved in plenty of local events and I never see another Speedster nor have most folks I've talked to.  I have looked at the pictures of events in Beaufort and have not seen any others besides yours and Peter's.  Driving 2 hours to Beaufort on the chance that there just might be a Speedster there might be worthwhile when it cools off, but it's an all-day event for me and I'd like to have some knowledge beforehand before I make the drive.  As for Bessinger's - been there, done that.


For me it's more about the people than the particular car.  I probably should just keep my mouth shut.  I had no intention of taking this thread off track.

Gordon, we were all there, just on Saturday....


Locally to me are 5 911s. I was informed this past weekend(at Limerock) that I am in charge of organizing local rides  whether I want to or not!


So I enjoy local stuff and Carlisle too. Going to Chambersburg next weekend. Wooohooo!


Love the car by myself or with company, always have. Stan, I had a vacation going to and from work today!



Wow what a shame, For me as well as others it got expensive. I have not been to Carlisle as it conflicts with work, and I have been out of touch for a while. I seem to remember the first one we went to rooms were barley over $100.00 a night and we soon were at close to $200.00 with taxes add in a round trip of 12 or 1400 miles and it does add up.

Perhaps if and when it is planned again total expense can be looked at for those that come from a distance.

Yea I'm one of the Harley Riders witha half helmet T Shirt I do wear boots when traveling but average cost of a room is less than $115.00 a nght most of the time. I am actually more particular about where I park the bike than the car. Yes I know I do not have one right now.

 So all things considered. Look at the expense, look at how much time is spent just sitting when we could ride, and see the beautiful Smokie Mts. and add those thoughts into the mix when it is planned next. The events I went to were a blast by the way......

Originally Posted by pascalesphoto:

Wow what a shame, For me as well as others it got expensive. I have not been to Carlisle as it conflicts with work, and I have been out of touch for a while. I seem to remember the first one we went to rooms were barley over $100.00 a night and we soon were at close to $200.00 with taxes add in a round trip of 12 or 1400 miles and it does add up.

Perhaps if and when it is planned again total expense can be looked at for those that come from a distance.

Yea I'm one of the Harley Riders witha half helmet T Shirt I do wear boots when traveling but average cost of a room is less than $115.00 a nght most of the time. I am actually more particular about where I park the bike than the car. Yes I know I do not have one right now.

 So all things considered. Look at the expense, look at how much time is spent just sitting when we could ride, and see the beautiful Smokie Mts. and add those thoughts into the mix when it is planned next. The events I went to were a blast by the way......

Good points all around.

The Smokies events have all been a blast for me and Alice.  We make the run there from Hot Springs, AR  in one day so it's not too long a long trip.  (A long trip is 1,100 miles from DC to Hot Springs in the new Genesis last Monday--14 hours worth.)

We would have done the Tail Of The Dragon every year---or the Smokies roads around Asheville.  Any event should have a solid plan; Hotel, cruises group dinners and tours ---like Carlisle.


Local events?  We have done some day cruises with the local clubs.  Mostly Corvettes but nice people----not as nice as Speedster people but ok. 


I don't anticipate ever missing Carlisle even though it's a 2,000 mile affair for us out here in Dogpatch. For me, that's the "main event" and always a sensational time with the SOC "knucleheads", as Jim correctly puts it.


I'm sorry to see the fall Smokies trip fall into the weeds though.  Maybe it can be resurrected next year. 

The drives in the Smokies are the best, at least as nice as my drive on PCH & Mulholand.  I'm with Stan, though.  I like meeting everyone, talking cars, and great drives.  I could sleep & eat much cheaper & still really enjoy the events just as much. I plan to do Carlisle every other year and plug in another trip in the off years.  2014 is planned for Corn Daze.

I'm too geographically & responsibility challenged to do more.

I'm hoping these regional events take more root as our community grows. 

I'm hoping to organize an event at the James Dean Museum in Indiana next fall.  I don't expect folks beyond Michigan. Ohio, Indiana, & maybe Illinois to attend, but that's cool enough for me!
The drives in the Smokies are the best, at least as nice as my drive on PCH & Mulholand.  I'm with Stan, though.  I like meeting everyone, talking cars, and great drives.  I could sleep & eat much cheaper & still really enjoy the events just as much. I plan to do Carlisle every other year and plug in another trip in the off years.  2014 is planned for Corn Daze.

I'm too geographically & responsibility challenged to do more.

I'm hoping these regional events take more root as our community grows. 

I'm hoping to organize an event at the James Dean Museum in Indiana next fall.  I don't expect folks beyond Michigan. Ohio, Indiana, & maybe Illinois to attend, but that's cool enough for me!



I look forward to meeting you. Once upon a time I was "geographically challenged" as well, and getting away for any spring events (Carlisle) has always been (and will always be, until I'm in a different work situation) completely out of the question. But strangely, we've now got a pretty strong base of good guys within striking distance of my front door, and we've been able to piece together some really fun stuff to do. It's weird how life gets better and better the longer you hang with something.


I do think that regional events-- day drives and one or two day "bigger" events (with plenty of driving and stops for eating at good/cheap restaurants or pubs) is a nice way to stay in touch, and go places in our plastic toy cars.


I'd love to do the Smokies sometime. This time of year (October), when people have their kids back in school and the campers and boats are put away for the winter would seem to be ideal.




You and your bride really need to come up for Corn Daze 2014. You can caravan up with Alan Shapiro. We drive around aimlessly through the corn like nobody's business. We eat food that's bad for us, drive, look at cars, drive some more, eat some more, drive some more, eat some more, and generally have a Midwestern small-town good time. You can take a picture of your car beside a grain elevator. What could be finer?

Last edited by Stan Galat

Corn Daze in central Illinois, has been in mid June the last couple years. That has historically (2 years) occurred in mid June.


The Starved Rock event, which is further north, and much closer to Chicago and the burbs' took place in September.


If the James Dean weekend in Fairmount, Indiana becomes an event maybe we could pull together a three event summer for the midwest next year.


We seem to muster 10 to 12 cars for these events. Add in a couple of Spyders at Fairmount (and the other two events as well) and the aggregate becomes even more fun!


These events are a lot of fun. If everybody near these venues jumps in and takes some responsibility for planning ( just hq hotel, drive routes and good cheap local food places) we really have a full summer package. 


Dayum!  This thread has gotten more traffic a month after cancellation than it did when we were still trying to pull it off.


Since it has proven difficult to get any folks to drive all the way to the southern Appalachians,  and there seem to be quite a few of you in the DC area, maybe we should think about an East Coast gathering in the Virginia mountains somewhere.  Any ideas for next year? 

Originally Posted by Lane Anderson - Mt. Pleasant, SC:

Dayum!  This thread has gotten more traffic a month after cancellation than it did when we were still trying to pull it off.


Since it has proven difficult to get any folks to drive all the way to the southern Appalachians,  and there seem to be quite a few of you in the DC area, maybe we should think about an East Coast gathering in the Virginia mountains somewhere.  Any ideas for next year? 

That's the stuff, Lane.

I just did my first long drive in my Beck Speedster a solo 500+mile out and back day/night trip on Sunday from Oakton VA to Scranton, PA and the Poconos. Up Rte 15, 83, 81 and 84 then back.  It was cold but sunny during the day and fun. Had my IPod Shuffle going.  At night coming back it was pretty cold so after an hour on 81 under the almost full moon I whimped out and put the top up. 

The car ran great though I kept my eye on the gauges.  Did an oil change yesterday.  All is well 


Attached is a pic of my car on a 10-18-13 ride in VA.





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Skyline drive in virginia would be great........yes we passed thepumpkin palloza torch to cory 


































Torch has been passed to torch has been passed to Corey oh my god holy s*** Wow





























yes tours has been passed to Corey






















torch has been passed Cor






























torch has been passed a quarry Skyline Drive would be great chess Corey












































speedster Palooza Run torch has been passed to Korean Jenny hey the spacer Pro is the torch has been passed the core and decorum hahaha oh my god






































torch has been passed to Corey and Jen Skyline Dr Cruz would be great what is usually a little on the cool side
























































pumpkin speedster Palooza torch has been passed to Korean Jenny what a crock oh s*** it won't let me say s*** oops hello hello hello hello hello como estas Senor Aussie habla espanol uno dos tres Quatro Sinko se si si es de sel t

































































torch has been passed to Corey Skyline Drive Run would be fun what is usuallya long drive is very scenic and then Northern Virginia

































































Yes the torch has been passed to Corry and Jenny. The Virginia skyline drive sounds great


























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