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Howdy to all. I have been fooling around with the idea of putting a Porsche 6 cylinder motor (2.2 Liter, 911T, fully rebuilt) and 5 speed transmission along with Porsche brakes and axles and Fuch wheels in a Beck Speedster. I want to do this with real quality. Now the question ... is it practical? Any unforseen problems you know about for a setup like this? How about value? What is it worth? Could I resell it in a year or two and get my $$$ back? Any feedback you have to offer would be greatly appreciated. I am looking for a good winter project but don't want to waste my time.

Drive fast, Drive safe, Smile a lot!!!

1957 Vintage Speedsters, plus various Porsches and Mercedes and Corvette

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Howdy to all. I have been fooling around with the idea of putting a Porsche 6 cylinder motor (2.2 Liter, 911T, fully rebuilt) and 5 speed transmission along with Porsche brakes and axles and Fuch wheels in a Beck Speedster. I want to do this with real quality. Now the question ... is it practical? Any unforseen problems you know about for a setup like this? How about value? What is it worth? Could I resell it in a year or two and get my $$$ back? Any feedback you have to offer would be greatly appreciated. I am looking for a good winter project but don't want to waste my time.

Drive fast, Drive safe, Smile a lot!!!
Dusty, I looked into that exact same issue about 5 years ago as I was planning my speedster. there is a wel respected but independent Porsche repair shop just a few miles from my house. After a series of protracted conversations, I came to the conclusion that:
1) I could probably aford to buy a used 2.2 liter engine. Expensive, but not really outragous.
2) I could probably even afford the labor cost to have a major rebuild done before installation - pistons, rings, cam, bearings, valves, etc. should that be necessary.
3) I absolutely could NOT afford the parts bill that came with a major rebuild. All those lovely little bits that come with a genuine Porsche part number attached. This item alone nearly doubled the cost of acquisition.

So I "settled" for a 2367 cc T4 "value meal", and I am a very happy camper. Probably have near the same Hp, and the torque is terrific. You will probably hear the Porsche weighs more, and all the extra weight is rearward of the axle, which affects handling. Their are speedster owners on this site who have Porsche engines, and I am sure they have their story to tell. As long as it works for you, enjoy the ride.
The 2.2 911T is 125hp, by comparison, the 2.7 RS spec engine mentioned above is 210. I don't know how much you spent on the rebuild, but magnesium case engines, done right, are pretty expensive. So I won't get into the cost.

Putting the six where you had a four is alot of aggravation. And you're doing it for just 125 hp. Hmmm. Think that one over carefully.

The engine/trans combo are longer than the four. Can't go any more to the rear, so obviously you have to make clearance at the rear firewall. I don't know how much clearance you have know, but a 915 will take it all up and more, a little less space for a 901. I'm guessing you're going to grab the 911 'banana' trailing arms to bring your brake and axle system over intact. The axle length is pretty easy to alter.

I too find myself very trusting of the 911 engine. Especially after I saw the bottom of our 3.0 with 150,000 on the odometer. Looked new. 15,000 mile valve adjustments are nice.

When done, if done well, your car will be exquisite. Smooth, powerful and run a quarter million miles before overhaul. It will be amazing.

But you will no get your money out of it anytime soon. You will spend more money doing this well than you can recoup given additive costs of the original car, cost of fabrication, labor cost (even "free" labor you provide has a value), engine/trans cost etc...

Don't build it for resale. Build it because you want to.


'Course yeah. Five minutes to Wapner. Yeah.

Angela, how in the hell do you remember all that stuff?
And, more importantly, do you and Dusty wanna try installing the 911E in the Hoopty as a practice run?
I'll make coffee and fetch doughnuts for you.
Open offer. Don't rush to a snap decision.

Dusty, if you have the engine, the werewithal and the inclination, anything's possible. With the quality of stuff you turn out in your bread-and-butter work, I have faith it'll be every bit as exciting as it possibly can be. And there's bragging rights to consider. There's something to be said for opening that decklid and having folks say stuff like "Why'd you do that?" -- and telling them you did it because you WANTED to.
I'd be leaning toward, not away.

But you really should practice on mine first. It's all there, really. I'll buy the plane tickets!
Dusty, definitely talk to Carey Hines about it. I wonder if there is enough space in there for a 6-cyl motor. Remember, when IM does it they have the advantage of having already moved the transmission forward 3 inches. If Carey says it'll fit, go for it! One caveat - you could probably get equal performance out of a Jake Raby Type IV for a bunch less money, although you wouldn't have the "cool factor" that would go with a Porsche 6.
Drive it, appreciate it while you got it...I learned you never get your money back so your miles per smiles versus dollars spent quotient has to be upper most in your mind.

As for 911 engines pro or con, talk with your builder. I can't think of anything sweeter than popping the rear deck and seeing a well trimmed early 2,2 with carbs or MFI!

I plan to have one someday even though I have tons of grunt (230 at last count) with my lowly type4...

More than $57K into my Vintage and it didn't draw $26K at auction,

Don't forget there is a chance that you could get lucky and pick one up second or third hand. There is a used market out there for these cars, it is small but its there (so you do not need to be on the board of Halliburton to own one)....I picked mine up used and kind of neglected more than anything. Sure I am and have sorted through some nonsense but heck that is part of the fun, well that is what I keep telling myself
Interesting thread. I never think of recouping my expenses. If done right, enjoy it, sell it, build another. Im doing a 3.2l/915 with IM as we speak. The motor didnt need a rebuild,18k original miles, the 915, completely remanufactured. I looked into a Raby 2563 Type 4, it would have cost close to 12k w/o transaxel. True, its lighter, 180hp, reliable? I went Porsche 6 because I could. If you can, DO IT! The performance envelope, reliability, fun factor and resale will all sort themselves out.
Greeting Dusty;

Having a 911-powered Speedster is my most recurring daydream!

As far as air-cooled engines go, IMHO you cannot beat the sound of a 911. Furthermore, there is definitely a different affect upon opening the engine lid and seeing a 911 (in any configuration) as opposed to a VW engine.

While there is no doubt that today's technology can morph a VW engine into a 'street rocket' to easily out-accellerate the 911-powered car, I think your decision is about personal gratification as opposed to economic return (as Angela stated, a well-maintained 911 can give beaucoup trouble-free miles). You gotta go with your gut and go for the 911 set-up. If you're like me, a lot of my vehicle decisions have not been the most financially sound, but I had a dang good time driving them!!

If you decide to sell your 911-powered Speedster down the road, knowing your affinity for quality workmanship, I want to be first in line to buy it!!

Peace - Out!

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