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I have tried to reach someone for help and haven't had any luck.

I have built a lot of cars and I am pretty handy but this problem

has me beat.Speedstahguy and theron have tried to help

but I could not reach them.Any help would be great.

As you  can see I'm really bad with computers so make it 

simple Thanks

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If its a Vs there is suppose to be a lever rod that attaches at th botton of the door inside near the bottom .. The treaded rod goes though a hole in it 3/4 the way up it and the top of it catches the latch lever Its  curved shaped about 18 inches long and is 3/8 pipe... Anyone have a pic of it because im not taking my D apart .. AGAIN!!  But you can get pipe stock at a hardware store

Last edited by oldyeler

Mr Ducan At Vintage Speester could sell you apair,, but its not that hard to make,. Use the inner door shape to  figure out the lengh and curve and there shoud be a 1/4 inch hole near the bottoms of your doors below the latches ( very near the bottom). for a 1/4 x 20  carrage bolt.. to bolt in the bottom of the rod  Use the door shape to make the curve in both rods and bend them untill everything line up ..(and moves very freely)!!!

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