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I wanted to share a paint chip touch up system I just discovered and used. Chip repairs usually end up as a small blob that is higher than the paint job, or with a little crater where the paint shrank as it dried. The repair still looks like a chip, but now it's a colored chip that sort of matches the car's paint. You can Google "langka paint touch up" and see the 3-part system that is used with the touch up paint for your car. I had two significant chips right on the nose of my Speedster and after using this system I cannot see where I did the chip repair---it's that good!

I had another place on my hood where I clumsily dropped a tool and that is now like new after using this system.

The three parts come in little bottles and are: cleaner, paint "blob eliminator" to level the repair with the rest of the paint, and a sealer. You use your own touch up paint.

You clean the spot with the cleaner to remove wax, road crud , etc. Then using the tiny brush supplied, fill the crack with your touch up paint. Make the drop of paint fill the chip and put enough so the paint is actually a bit higher than the surrounding paint. After the paint dries (3-4 hours) use the blob eliminator to make the repair precisely the same level as the rest of the paint, then use the sealer
with a clean rag and that's it. The main deal is that blob eliminator which is amazing stuff and chemically takes away excess paint to make a perfectly level and invisible chip repair.

Check this out if you have chips or previous poorly touched up spots.
Not expensive and comes with good instructions and info.


2007 Vintage Speedster/ Jake Raby TYPE IV engine

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I wanted to share a paint chip touch up system I just discovered and used. Chip repairs usually end up as a small blob that is higher than the paint job, or with a little crater where the paint shrank as it dried. The repair still looks like a chip, but now it's a colored chip that sort of matches the car's paint. You can Google "langka paint touch up" and see the 3-part system that is used with the touch up paint for your car. I had two significant chips right on the nose of my Speedster and after using this system I cannot see where I did the chip repair---it's that good!

I had another place on my hood where I clumsily dropped a tool and that is now like new after using this system.

The three parts come in little bottles and are: cleaner, paint "blob eliminator" to level the repair with the rest of the paint, and a sealer. You use your own touch up paint.

You clean the spot with the cleaner to remove wax, road crud , etc. Then using the tiny brush supplied, fill the crack with your touch up paint. Make the drop of paint fill the chip and put enough so the paint is actually a bit higher than the surrounding paint. After the paint dries (3-4 hours) use the blob eliminator to make the repair precisely the same level as the rest of the paint, then use the sealer
with a clean rag and that's it. The main deal is that blob eliminator which is amazing stuff and chemically takes away excess paint to make a perfectly level and invisible chip repair.

Check this out if you have chips or previous poorly touched up spots.
Not expensive and comes with good instructions and info.


I read that the blob remover is actually a lacquer thiner or something like that (apparently you can use that...). The trick is that it only removes new paint that has not fully cured. That's why it works on the paint blob in the repair and not the rest of the paint on the long as you use it within a few hours of applying the touch up paint and as long as you let the blob set up a bit. Apply it too early and you remove all the touch up paint I'm told.

That's right Brian-if you don't allow time for the touch up paint to dry you will remove most of it with the blob eliminator. Also I had one chipped spot that I had to add more touch up paint because there was a crater after the paint dried. That's why I learned to go ahead and put more touch up paint than you really need because you can easily smooth it with the blob eliminator after it's dry.

It's easy to work with and the repairs are invisible. Totally.---Jack
Be careful as this system they are selling will not work on an enamel paint job and will damage it.
You can do their same process for laquer paint for well under $10.)
Clean the touch up area w/ rubbing alcohol, dab on the touch up paint, wait for it to completely dry as it will shrink below the chip level. Then re-apply another dab of touch up paint and wait for the appropriate time for the touch up to almost completely dry. Wipe the excess off using a clean rag with a light dab of lacquer thinner on it wrapped around a thin flat "piece of anything" (it will remove any of the touch up high spot)After that completely dries, wax the area to give it some shine.

"will not work on enamel".

I have a note in my Vintage Speedster documentation files that says my '07 was painted with acrylic enamel. I guess that's enamel?

Anyway it worked well on my car. I am too concerned with not screwing up my car to try and ou-do the Lankla folks so it was worth the $$$ to me to be certain of a quality outcome which is what I got.
There is a warning in the instructions about using the system with older cars ---Maybe 50's or 60's --I don't remember. Didn't concern me though.

Your mileage, as always, may vary.---Jack
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