Okaaay. update time. I'm now officially glad that I re-did my radiator cage in the front of the car. As when I came to trim my side panels, I realised that everything would of been out of wack and nothing would of lined up. I didn't think the welding through on the radiator supports and the side panels would of been on 4 different levels when it came to mounting them. A space out about 1/2".
The new radiator support is level all throughout and with the exception of the minor mistake with trimming the fiberglass panels, everything looks kosher. The minor gap I can repair with cotton flox and a resin. Then they'll be painted.
I really got the hang of using the CAD (Cardboard Aided Design) by the second panel. Still, we live and learn. And yes the car got a wash for the first time in 7 months.
The front lip was something that I was trying, but I decided to rather take it off as I want this done in fibreglass and integrated into the trunk. Here you can see the tabs that I've welded on the bottom for the panels to attach to and there is another on the top. I still have two more to go on the sides, but it's damn study.
Some trimming needed up top and then finish with a rubber edge and then it's time to mount the top slam panel. You can also see the diamond blade tile cutter on my grinder..........man that thing slices through fibreglass like a hot knife through butter....a must have.
Here you can get an idea of how she all fits together. I want to close it off like this as on the right hand side of this, I want to mount the fuel filter as well as the fuel pump in this gap so that it's close to the fuel tank, but also easily serviceable. I'll do this once the two flaps are done for the last of the air intake. The other side will hold the car jack and the tool kit.
To give an idea of how she sits. The radiator has been dropped about another 1" which will give it more air and it still sits lower than my battery pod used to sit and that never hit anything, so I'm safe.
So next is finishing off the welding on the cage as it's all just been tacked in place, trim off the extra panels as well as put in the tabs for the upper slam panel and then box in the top. I'm hoping to have that done this saterday morning so that work can start on the fuel pumps and filter.
I missed the car show yesterday that I was aiming for, so this gives me the time to find another motor.