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I'M DIGITAL AT LAST (wife still insists I'm anal, but that, as they say, is another story). Check out "CRZNTUB" in the photos section for some projects:
Front air dam
Drilled deck hinges
Raised air cleaners (to add velcity stack to Webers)
Cast aluminum pedals with a dead pedal
Recessed tailights & license plate (not for the purist)

Photos were taken between Christmas and New Years (sorry Chicago).

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I'M DIGITAL AT LAST (wife still insists I'm anal, but that, as they say, is another story). Check out "CRZNTUB" in the photos section for some projects:
Front air dam
Drilled deck hinges
Raised air cleaners (to add velcity stack to Webers)
Cast aluminum pedals with a dead pedal
Recessed tailights & license plate (not for the purist)

Photos were taken between Christmas and New Years (sorry Chicago).


Images (1)
  • Air cleaner riser
OK - so I can't spell my own name. What can I say, spell check didn't catch it either! What with automated bill paying and PIN numbers on debit cards, who needs spell their own name anymore anyhow? Is it any wonder I gravitated to a basic analog vehicle like the speedster. Any way, my humiliation is complete - and I just corrected my email for the second time.
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