Realizing the subject could reignite our yearly debate on what oil is best… I wanted to pose a neutral question to the experienced SME (SubJect Matter Experts) out there… only for the purpose of data gathering :-)
- has anyone used Penngrade1 oils ( high zink 1500ppm, green oil) before on their Type 1 engines? (formerly BradPenn oils). If so, any thoughts?
Why I ask;
- I have been using conventional oils, mostly 30W, since 2013. The old school mechanic I went to always recommended it, and who am I to argue with experience. Car has run great, always ( knock on wood), never overheating ( always runs between 180F-195F at most, measured at dipstick with Mailey temp dip stick gauge - I keep there in lieu of the traditional dip stick). Last 6 years or so I have been using Valvoline VR1 Racing 30W, easy to find, high zinc, easy to see when an oil change was needed ( by the oil color change).
- while at The Shop, and working with my new “ VW old timer” ( now 68 years young) - guy who was recommended by my old old timer (82 years young), offered to change the oil while I did a parts run back to the house…. And in lieu of using my VR1 Racing 30W I left for him he used his preferred oil PennGrade1 30W ( dark green color oil… I imagine it will be hard to see any color change as oil gets mucked up).
- this got us to talking about multi-grade oils- yes “the oil debate”, as years ago I had run 10w30 - 10w40… which I kind of liked until I was encouraged to stick to 30W, and while looking at the new Panngrade line of oils, all their dual multi grade oils are only available in synthetic blend.
One additional Question:
- anyone used these synthetic blends in their speedsters/spyder cars? Thoughts?
thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts.