My last speedster when I bought it was 10 years old. It was a VS. I loved to wash that thing. But every time I did, I would have to put towels in the front trunk because whatever seal they had used did not do anything to keep water out. If I didnt put the towels down, the battery area, etc would be completely wet.
So, not a big deal on that car though as it did not have carpet. But - I do believe there was carpet in it prior to me buying as it had little carpet pieces around the trunk hinges.
I was told a while back that these cars have come a long way in the past 10 years with this type of thing.
To ALL NEW VS Owners. Are you having any issues that you are aware of with the rubber seals in the trunk area, etc letting water come right on in? My new VS WILL have carpet and just wondering if I am going to need to break out the little hand towles upon each wash again and really watch it.