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@Mozza Well done !! There is nothing like being with the car for a weekend to feel what it's like. I did the same thing when I rented a speedster in Maui. I only had it for a day, but the hours I drove it gave me a good Idea of the feel. I have owned and driven opened cars for over 25 years. So the wind, chill or heat was nothing new. The experience helped me make some choices when ordering my new speedster. It turned out just like I wanted. Good luck in your search.

I had what I think to be an advantage when considering the VW based 356 Speedster replica.  Despite some 35+ years between ownerships, I did own and drive the snot out of two 356 coupes, "back in the day"  Took one across country and back on a six week sabbatical way way back when.  I was in my 20s then, and in my 60s when the Speedster was bought.  Any way, my point is the VW machinery and the general feel and personality of the replica was very familiar to me right from the start.  I learned to drive quickly in those 356 coupes (one was an S90, very nice car) and that is something you just don't forget.  In retrospect, if there was anything I might have done differently it would have been to learn more about the various quality builders.  If I had, I might have chosen differently.  There would be more to say about all of that, but I'll save it for another time.  Most here have already heard it several times. My car needed a fair amount of "sorting" before I had what I figured was a sound set up.  My car is now very nice, gives all I ask for in terms of performance and miles of smiles.

Welcome to the madness!!

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