Wow, hadn’t given thought about these tricks since drag racing VW’s in the 80’s.
So I thought I’d boar some of you with the technical logistics of how to make a quick shifting system work.
It’s just a matter of a quick shift kit as stated above on a stock straight shifter rod handle and the real trick…, grabbing the shifter at the base to shift gears. It’s simple mechanics; it’s as thou you’ve cut your shifter handle down even shorter and reduced the throw even more.
Quick Shifting Tip - Preload your shift by having a slight pull/push on the base of the handle in the direction you’re going before even shifting out of that gear to the next. Doing this while under hard acceleration / power, it will stay in gear and well only pop out as soon as you let off the throttle, this is a timing thing at this point…, clutch and gas have to be spot on for the next gear.
Now if you’re really serious and want all the gory details…, read on.
- Take all of slop out of your linkage by installing a new shifter shaft rod bushing
- Use the lightest shift handle possible, I believe supper beetles were 1/2” in dia. and straight shaft and hollow
- Cut off the shifter shaft transmission coupler and weld in a 1/2” x 1/2” ratchet swivel, this eliminates addition linkage slop
- If you’re leaning forward to shift, relocate the shift box so you aren’t
As to the transmission; it goes without saying to have a box built for quick shifting (pro-rings, steel shift forks). But a bug box will work for time, but its life is limited with racing starts and quick shifts.
- Oil weight makes a difference; heavy weight gives good gear deceleration for quicker gear mesh, but harder to shift
- You can have the gears drilled and lighten; again – gear deceleration for quicker gear mesh
- Use a Berg brand 3 puck disc with metallic pads, it’s very light and in doing so…, once again gear deceleration = quick gear mesh = faster times…, it is a violent disc and transmission eater though.
I hear tell in the racing world there’s better toys now, so if you can help our economy, it’s only money, spend it.
David / dd-ardvark