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See if there's any inspiration/reference here:
(pull the right-hand scroll bar down about 1/2 way for interesting pictures)

ADD: found this for "retro" look:

2nd ADD: Picture of old Akkord removable radio (Ghia):


Images (1)
  • Akkord-Ghia-radio-removable
If you want to get genuinely creative, I have a metal 356A dashboard with the radio indent/plinth at the center bottom edge.

You could cut the plinth and surrounding metal and graft it into your existing dash board, or replace your entire dash with a genuine Porsche item, or any combination of the two.

Not perfect, but perfect for this.

I also have the 356A rear radio support bracket that fastens to the front bulkhead and bolts to the radio.

Just saying, not pushing it.

Otherwise, there are a lot of simple wedge shaped ABS plastic "boxes" available that will cleanly mount a radio under the dash. You can set the distance from the front of the dash depending on weather you want to feature or hide your radio face. Many "vintage look" radios are also currently being offered on-line/E-Bay with all of the modern bells and whistles but with a sweet retro look to them.

Start searching ! !

To answer your last question; NO, speedsters did not have radios. 356A cars might have had radios, depending on the owners, but Speedsters were bought for reduced weight and for racing/fast acceleration/road course performance.

Radios were not in the equation. Nor were door arm rests, comfortable seats, carpets (they had rubber floor mats), useful windshield frames, literally, anything that could be eliminated to save weight, was.
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