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Looks like I'm going to hit plenty of rain when I head South this coming Wednesday. Could I hear some comments....good or bad on the benefits of that product called Rain X or similar ? I've never used it. Thanks....

David Stroud

 '92 IM Roadster D 2.3 L Air Cooled

Ottawa, Canada


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David---it's great stuff---I always use it on long trips if theres any chance of rain. My wipers aren't so hot in the first place but with as Rich said, you can leave your wipers off.  I use the interior Rain x as well as the outside version and don't remember ever getting  streaking.


You should try it---you won't be sorry!


What's gonna be your route to Carlisle this year?  Maybe you will join our Southern caravan?

Last edited by Jack Crosby

Thanks for that, Jack. I'm off to Flagler Beach, Fl this Wednesday and will pick up Francine at the Daytona airport on Saturday. A few days in Cocoa Beach, a few more in Flagler Beach, three nights in St. Augustine Beach then wind our way up to Hillsville, Va, via Santee, SC,  head North West on the Blue Ridge Parkway ( past Christiansburg I know  :-)  ) then up near Front Royal, Va then Carlisle. We'll do the caravan thing next year. I'll get the Rain X today.


Thanks Rich...

Last edited by David Stroud IM Roadster D

I will admit to experiencing some annoying streaking coming back from Carlisle last year.

I chalked it up to some annoying oily road conditions. I tried washing windshield with Windex at gas stops and just couldn't eliminate the streaking. Sometimes I think a thorough soap and water washing might be called for in between applications...but the overall effectiveness of this stuff far out weighs the odd occasion of streaking. 

Rainex now makes a "glass cleaner" with the magical ingredient included.....   It cleans glass better than anything I've used to date....  Just to be safe / sure, clean once with Windex ( et al ) and then hit it with the Rainex cleaner....   After the first Rainex application, thats all you will need to use....    The biggest problems with streaking are caused by residual dirt / oil film that wasn't properly removed....  As mentioned above let it set for a few minutes, then buff it out....( I use cotton rags..)   My .02    


P.S.  Product available via Pep Boys, Autozone, Etc...

Last edited by LeonChupp

You can certainly do a second coat....No harm in that and I do it all the time, then buff it off once dried with a dry cloth.


After it has been buffed out (either one coat or two), then just go over it with a damp cloth to even it and keep it from streaking.


They tell you to apply Rain-X to a dry windshield, but I've put it on a damp or wet winidshield and it seems to work out OK

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