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My new 356 Cabriolet will have a luggage rack. I am wondering what the best or most common recommendation is and what is the best or most common method of securing the luggage to the rack. My concern is to find something that is obviously rainproof, flexible and safe. Any recommendations for a system or a supplier? Thanks.
1957 Specialty Auto-Sports(Cabriolet)
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Another question to ask of those who already have a luggage rack on their replica, is what amount of weight would they feel comfortable loading onto their rack??

Remember that these racks are usually mounted to a non-reinforced, fiberglass engine cover which was never designed to hold a rack, let alone the luggage it is supposed to carry.

The original, steel 356 actually had reinforcing gussets welded to the engine cover to accept the rack. The engine cover was also more substantial than it's fiberglass counterpart and could hold an amazing amount of weight. I've personally seen over 100 pounds mounted to an original 356 rack, whereas I personally wouldn't put much more than 25-30 pounds on a replica rack.

Let's see what others who already have a rack on a replica say about what they would load on there........

Douglas, Eastern Mountain Sports and Bass Pro Shops make several waterproof duffel bags that are designed for canoeing ,kyacking, and camping. I used them for motorcycle camping for years. No clue on how much weight you should put on a speedster rack but I would go as light as possible. A small bump might magnify the force on the deck lid.
Don't even consider more than 30 lbs!! Also, keep the suitcase small as it creates a lot of wind drag and makes rear view difficult. These suitcases,for most of us, are just for show. I carry my polishing gear in mine.

If you need straps contact me directly at DustyJohn AT I make them in tan and black for $120.

Happy Trails,


Images (1)
  • complete strap set
I tried carrying one empty, but my wife kept throwing her $hit in it.
I also started small, and look what I ended up with...and that's just the overnighter. I actually considered a small trailer, but in the end I put my foot down...Told her she needed to ship her stuff here I am with the trunk....let's not forget who carry's the goods (if you know what I mean)
I know it's a classic look , but the thought of an aerodynamically designed car ( advanced for its time) having a clunky rectangle attached to its rear seems contradictory.Do any of you drive long distances with those suitcases attached? Or are they just for the short trips for shows?
What a bunch of degenerates. All I wanted was some dope on luggage and I ended up ordering leather straps from Dusty which appear to be just like the ones used on straightjackets or by a sadist. And, I am not that weird; we only share the bottoms. Her tops don't fit well because the straps dig in too much. Thanks for help boys.

Ok--I've had enough. I was happy with getting benefit from the technical knowledge I have gotten from this site----like how much air should I put in my tires, and what radio stations should I listen to, but I just realized that,what the hell, this could be a money making deal,and all I thought about was comraderie and meeting new friends---something I love about this site.---how dumb am I???

I need some product or some scheme to sell on this site---that's right; Make some damned bucks and thanks to free marketing!! What a concept--right? Others are getting bucks hawking merchandise and I want to do that too. Hell--only two or three folks are making money here---why not me??

So--I will award a very nice prize to the winner--whoever can come up with the most appealing thing I can make to resell on our site. Have fun and make a buck at the same time---And maybe an event about a new EVENT--a tour of Dogpatch thrown in hosted by me and the AGAFSATHWBHA (always georgeous Alice, fantastic, sexy, always ---)Dammit,I forgot the rest.

Seriously, I am glad that EVERYONE is not here just to sell shit.

Give it a rest.

I ordered the car on 12/8/08 from SAS. There was a cancellation so I imagine I moved into that "slot" for delivery (which is estimated for early August). No pictures yet but will post when I have something from SAS to show. The car will be Creme Brule with a Tan Top and Dark Green Interior. We have a very short season here in Northern Michigan so I hope Steve holds the delivery. More important is the quality and performance - if I have to wait a little longer than August I am prepared to wait. I am a big fan of SAS and I know that I will end up with something very special. As far as pictures of the little woman and me - the Post Office should have something current on the wall. She's 4'6", weights 632 lbs. and has numerous tattoos plus a club foot. You really don't want to see the pictures.
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