I agree with Mark on the engine size. If you're looking at a 2110 a 2332 isn't much more dollars. When I had a new engine built the only reason I went with a 2276 is a had a good 82mm crank. If I didn't, I would have bought an 84mm crank, and went with a 2332.
If you've owned a 911 you now that power is addictive. Here's my 356 replica power history:
1. Bought the car with a near stock 1600cc. Had an old lady in a clapped out Honda Accord beat me from the light, as we 'raced' towards a single lane. The honest truth is I was trying and she wasn't. What a pieces of CRAP.
2. 1776cc with dual carbs, stock heads, and a mild cam. A lot better, but still pretty slow.
3. 2110cc Noticed an improvement, but the car still wasn't quick. What the heck!
4. 2110cc With ported heads, higher compression ratio, and hotter cam. Much, much better!
5. 2276cc Same compression ratio and cam, but this time I went with fuel injection. Dynoed 123 at the rear wheels. Lots of low end torque, but she ran out of 'gas' over 5500 rpm.
6. 2276cc Still in the building stage. This time I'm going with Steve Timms stage two heads. Looking for rear wheel horsepower close to in the 140-150 range
I think this will be enough. 
I recommend getting the biggest engine you can afford. You could follow the route that I took, but it will cost you A LOT more.