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I was out watering my front yard the other day and a guy riding his bike turned around to talk to me. He saw the speedster in the garage and asked whether it was real or a replica. I told him it was a replica and that I couldn't afford the 100K to buy a real one. He then said he had a real one. He actually owns several vintage race cars as well. I asked him to stop by sometime when he was out in it thinking he never would. A few days later I hear the doorbell ring and it was him in a beautiful blue 1955 speedster. He said he bought his car in 1992 for $27K and we dicussed how much they have appreciated. He was a really nice guy and commented on how accurate the replicas were and was very complimentary. He said he would have me over to his garage sometime once his vintage race cars were back from being on display.
On a side note, there is a local VW car dealer who previously owned a real speedster who is now building a replica. There is something to be said about having a car you can really use and modify.
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I was out watering my front yard the other day and a guy riding his bike turned around to talk to me. He saw the speedster in the garage and asked whether it was real or a replica. I told him it was a replica and that I couldn't afford the 100K to buy a real one. He then said he had a real one. He actually owns several vintage race cars as well. I asked him to stop by sometime when he was out in it thinking he never would. A few days later I hear the doorbell ring and it was him in a beautiful blue 1955 speedster. He said he bought his car in 1992 for $27K and we dicussed how much they have appreciated. He was a really nice guy and commented on how accurate the replicas were and was very complimentary. He said he would have me over to his garage sometime once his vintage race cars were back from being on display.
On a side note, there is a local VW car dealer who previously owned a real speedster who is now building a replica. There is something to be said about having a car you can really use and modify.

That must have been a real kick!

Did you guys notice or discuss the varying characteristics of your cars. As a new owner, I've always been curious to know what the asthetic differences are. (especially to someone who really knows these cars). What was your observation?

Again, sounds like a great way to spend an afternoon.

Scott, I know a guy that lives a few blocks aways from me that restores vintage cars and he has been a huge help to me! He has in his garage a 58 Speedster, 60 Coupe, 58 Lotus Elite and he's currently redoing a Lotus 7 (all polished aluminum). I just got a porsche emblem from him the other day - he just gave it to me! So I returned the favor by dropping off a case of beer. He just loves talking cars and appreciates my love for Speedsters. I asked him if I could take some photos of his cars and he said anytime. When the temp drops below the "surface of the sun" I'll get over there and get some pics and post them. And Tim, depending on how you look at it, and the replica make and year, there are minor differences or huge differences in the two. Dave (the vintage guy) has told me I have done a great job making mine "look" original. But there are alot of things in the structure of my kit that can't be changed. Mickey
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