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While the tranny is out and axle parts are all over the place I thought I'd refresh some rear brake parts including new brake cylinders. I thought my tranny / axle setup was 1967 from the car vin but my brake cylinders look like the second one down in this catalogue pic, it should really look like the third one down according to the year numbers.

The picture clearly shows a stepped area where the bleeder is and a tapered or smaller bolt hole flange.

any ideas appreciated.

David Stroud

 '92 IM Roadster D 2.3 L Air Cooled

Ottawa, Canada



Images (1)
  • Speedster brake cylinder 004
Last edited by David Stroud IM Roadster D
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Dave, If the bolt holes line up, and the piston slots fit the shoes, I can't see why you would be at risk here.  A little larger piston would give a little more force for the same pedal pressure, and to me, that is to the good.  Maybe others here will have deeper insight about how careful one needs to be balancing pedal pressure to braking force, etc.  Within reason, more seems better to me.  In the limit, you would not want the rear locking up while the front is just getting into the game.  I don't think this is what you are looking at here.  If some other "expert" has the right answer as different, I'm waiting to hear.

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