I'm always trying to come up with ideas that will help keep the car running cool in warm weather.
My oil cooler is mounted in the driver side rear fender well. It's a 96 plate mesa with a 10" high-output fan that is set up to pull the air through the cooler. About half of the cooler sits below the frame of the car.
Well several months ago I asked myself the question, "Where is the fan pulling the air from?" With 6 plus inches of fan hanging below the frame it became clear that the fan is pulling the hot air generated from the exhaust pipes as well as the heated air coming off of the cylinders. If you have ever tuned your car with flip-flops on you know that there is a lot of hot air coming off of the cylinders!
With that in mind I thought of reversing the fan to make it a "pusher" rather than a "puller". I just happened to have a brand new fan just sitting around that is configured as a "pusher" fan. Last night I took the entire cooler assembly out and replaced the fan. I ran it with the new configuration and it is now blowing the air toward the engine rather than drawing air from the engine.
This new setup hasn't been road tested yet but it makes sense to me. Also, as the car is moving down the road air should have a natural tendency to flow into the back fender well creating an assisted pressure and drive the cfm's of the fan up a little. Do any of you have this configuration? Which way is your fan set up - to pull air away from your engine or to push air toward it?