There now, doin' that (Summer and Winter - different vistas) is good...
Alan: don't forget that place in Jersey that Simon Hambly uses for CNC'd parts; they supply the drawing software, then you create what you want on your PC and email the drawing to them, then they send the part back to you in a week or so (there's some money transferred somewhere in there, too). Let me know if you need the URL.
Either of the three of us could go into the CMC/BS (oop! SB) car finishing business, right now, with the tools and things we already have kicking around. Well, maybe Jerome could buy a decent TIG welder (I'm looking for one, too) and an air compressor with those nifty air tools, but that doesn't require a bag of money. If I DID win Powerball, though, Some place on the water in Guadeloupe would look pretty nice, I'll tell you....
Come to think of it, this is my short list of tools that I wish I had (still) that I would actually use often enough to justify them:
Miller TIG welder
Small metal lathe
Small Bridgeport Milling machine
Small lift (If I had still been in Beaufort, Alan wouldn't have beat me to it!!)
A/C for the garage (both of them)