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Yeah, those Left-Coasters don't know what they're missing.

No John-Boy and Billie...

No Dixie Voo Doo Lager beer...

No Shrimp-Burgers with local shrimp...

No decent fried chicken ("Kentucky Fried"...huh!.....Pu-leese!!)

No Biltmore Estate

No Howard's Country Club (Lane - you gotta go there!)'s_cc.htm

and NO F'N PIG!!!!!!

The place is F'n AWESOME!!!!
Fiddlin' Pig--this is the place I asked about a few months ago when this trip planning started---wonderful bluegrass and BBQ! This will be areally fun evening!! I was here 20 years ago and am happy to see it still going strong.

We are strting to get excited about this trip!

Of course we get excited about a 2 mile trip in the Speedster for ice cream too!

OK, is Tom Blankenship willing to suffer the wrath of a new mother? how about some of the SOCers from the mid-Western and Northern States?

Don't ya'll hear the BBQ, pickin'and ah grinnin' along with cloggin'and the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Diamondback callin'?

By the way, 226A (part of the Diamondback route) has been declared one of America's roads.
Lane--Alice and I are confirmed at the Hilton so put us on the list. I have a call in to Russ and will let you know about him---he'll be driving his 911---quite a step up from the VW Bug he brought before!

is there an official schedule of events? (I think we will arrive Thurs afternoon 10/14)

--Jack Crosby
"Final" agenda hasn't changed. From above:

Friday: Early arrivers can go to the Wheels Through Time museum with Tom and me after an early lunch at Chelsea's. Then gather at the hotel in the evening and drive to the F'n Pig for dinner and entertainment. Those who don't want to go to the museum can cruise on some of Aaron's "chassis blaster" back road routes.

Saturday: Follow Aaron's proposed route on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Dinner plans are open, based on how much energy we have after the drive. An early start is recommended for the cruise. There are plenty of places that we can go to for dinner, but we need to be cognizant of the group's size, so we should probably make reservations no later than Friday.

Sunday: Get up early and get to the Biltmore no later than 0830 to set up for a photo shoot in front of the mansion. Again, I'll see if I can talk them into special parking, perhaps in the valet area. After the photos are taken, we would tour the mansion and grounds. Suggestions open for late lunch as Chelsea's may not be large enough. We could eat at one of the places on the Biltmore grounds. Again, reservations are wise due to the season and the group size.

Monday: Individual cruises for those that are staying in the area.

Sounds like all that remains is to select the dinner spots for Saturday and Sunday.

As for the folks attending. I need to do another cut and paste. Please stand by.

Ok, I'm back. We have:
1. Me, myself, and I
2. Leon and Margaret Chupp
3. Marty and Sandy G. (I won't even try this time)
4. Nolan and Jan Scott
5. Jack and Alice Crosby
6. Aaron White (and wife?)
7. Richard and Becky Pascall
8. Tom Raymond (and?)
9. Scott Teele (and?)

Sadly Felix Bircher had to cancel due to work commitments. That whole "working for a living" thing sucks, don't it? Jack - Maybe Russ can contact Felix and get his room.
There is a great museum in the Maggie Valley NC area. I think I heard that it was closing down but I hope that's wrong. The website they have doesn't say anything about this. It is called "Wheels of Time." Anybody got the skinny on this one? I've visited the Lane Motor Museum at least twice, once with former SOC'er Greg Teeple (auldphart). It is well worth a visit.

Back from Northern and the Republic of Ireland. Bummer...Levi's at 109 Eros = ~ $141.70. Levis bought in Ireland has made a new meaning to made in China. Big profit for someone! Fuel was at 1.30 Eros/liter. Tank-up in America. Oh, I forgot to mention the VAT tax at 20.+ %. NO SPEEDSTERS anywhere!

I'll be confirming our total of 20 for the Fiddlin' Pig Friday 8 October. Bring your own banjo, fiddle, getar, spoons, etc. I've also talked to the weather gods. I bought an Arran wool sweater just to be sure! Remember the Speedster adds..tops are for emergency use ONLY!

If anyone can not get a place to me.

Leaves still green at this elevation. I'll keep all informed as to conditions.

And Lane, Irish Whisky sucks. Only Scotch allowed, Islay preferred.

Are yo'll ready????

After reading to posts above, I can't really decipher the total count.
Still very tired due to return air trip from H--L! Got in at 0100 yesterday morning. Airlines, maintenance, routings, baggage handling and scheduling suck. What a mess.

For the non-carnivores, I don't think the Fiddlin' Pig is vegetarian or vegan destination. Just a warning in case.

Drank a Jameson...really tasted like left over horse P. A gent with us attended a tasting at the Jameson Distillery in Dublin. The taste contest was between Jack Daniels, Johnny Walker and Jameson. No contest here...a "fixed" result too me. Jameson had NO competition! The tasting compared 3 entirely different based whiskeys!

OK, I'll start hunting and digging!

I have a bottle of Tullamore Dew on shelve! The Irish don't really malt their whiskey the way the Scotch do. But, they think highly of any form of drink. The average Irishman drinks...ready for this>>> 9 pints of Guinness a day! Cost wise the duty free stores along with the Irish markets/liquor stores were higher priced than here at home.

There are two brands that are considered the "Working Man's" Whisky. Paddy's is one of the two. Of course, the reason for such is the lower price when compared to Tullamore Dew, Bushmill and Jameson. I can't remember the other one's the name. The consideration of course is and was a cheap drunk. Excessive drinking was every were... pubs on the corners and as many as 3 pubs per city block per side.

No wonder the Irish of the Republic of Ireland drink so much. A very socialistic country with a 27.0 + per cent unemployment rate. 300,000 empty houses owned by the government due to the result of the Celtic Tiger bust, 46,000 people waiting for hospital rooms and a giant overbuild of high rise offices and condominiums!!!! Note that all are now standing empty. Just a brief note...there are no bankruptcy laws,so if one walks away, suffers foreclosure. etc. the poor Irishman still owes for his purchase!!!

OK, I got off the subject. I've found my quart jar. Samples must be small due to the low volume available.

I just found the other cheap one...Powers. This is a quick link so that prices can be compared for fun:

Charles...have you added your name for this drive! Now, come on, now! You need to to drive roads that a bigger challenge than the Tail! Newman ain't so far away.
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