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Hi, I'm new to the forum, and new to the replica community here in the US. Recently re-located to Seattle from Madrid, Spain.  I have picked up a new VS and I'm looking for recommendations for shops in the Seattle area, shops familiar with these type of cars?


 Nothing is wrong with the car, actually it has been a prety predictable summer driving season (knock on wood), but I wanted to start familiarizing myself with local resources to help me manage those aspects of maintenance which are beyond my basic capabilities. ;-)


anyone in the forum live in the area?  Would love to start meeting other aficionados!


mil gracias, Fernando

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I too am interested in local - greater Seattle area experts and community. I'm not an owner yet but I'm doing the research. When I buy it will be a Convertible D style rather than a speedster (roll ups and top for Seattle weather). I'm looking for a car that I can drive often (not daily but also more than weekends only). I'm not ready for the plunge into a new vehicle - maybe in a couple of years.




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