The car will be stored in a carport with lighting and electricty. no rain or snow will touch the car but still want it well protected from the elements. I've used California Car Cover in the past. Obviously no cover for 59 Conv D. Should i go with 356 Cab cover?
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I do not think there would be any difference between Speedster, roadster or cab wrt the cover. Others may have specific advice here. I have the CA Car cover, Speedster model, and can't see how it would not work for the others.
IMO, car capsule see through is what you want Phil, it has a fan that keeps the car dry and changes the air and protects it against pretty much anything and you can see the car through it to make sure it is still.... THERE..
I will stay there for weeks the bubble never touches the car... just saying
There are many models, too bad I have one that I never used and it is still in the box, we could have swapped :0)
I have a great suggestion, and I'm serious.
Hire a general contractor to convert the carport into a garage. Then hire an HVAC contractor to heat and cool the garage.
Give the car a chance. I had my Speedster in an unheated enclosed trailer for one winter, and it did more damage than 10 years of being stored in a climate controlled garage.
What Stan said is the absolute truth The brakes and everything that sweats a bit will cause rust to occur. It is very simple, the reason why I did not use the capsule is because I decided to go with the heated garage
but I ruined my top on my first IM …. just saying
Every rubber bit on my car dried out and cracked the winter it spent nestled in a tight, covered, enclosed (but not climate controlled) trailer.
There are a lot of rubber bits on an Intermeccanica. I can't imagine what leaving it in a carport will do to it.
I'm lost here, Phil. You wouldn't ask what was the best coat to buy for a patient planning to live outside all year in a tent -- you'd advise him to go inside to live. This is a lot like that.
Well I had my mirror rubbers crack after 4 years on my used IM but I don't know if it was because it was a southern car UV or cold.
In anycase in some place there are only two seasons, Frost bite and fly bite ...
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and add this, in my best Dr. Evil voice:
"How about NO!"
Just about any polymer and UV exposure = death, sooner or later. The UV causes the polys turn to monos, and since all those mers are no longer connected in long chains, the structure cracks. Also cold is bad. FWIW my car spends winters in a usually unheated garage that is nonetheless connected to the house on two sides, and it is mostly under its CA car cover, to keep dust off. Mouse traps are set in the vicinity, and the trickle charger is on. The mouse thing can be deadly as they like to chew stuff that ends up being important.
And when they’re not busy chewin’ stuff up, they’re hard at work building mouse condominiums in places where they shouldn’t be.
High humidity sucks too; even if the car is in an enclosed and covered garage. I've had my car for 20 years and I have needed to deal with more pitting on chrome and rust prevention the past 4 years it's been in South Florida than the previous 16. Imagine that.
Florida uses a lot of car capsules