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Brian - Wish I were in TX then. Man, other states are a real pain. I gave my old Toyota $Rnr (registered in VA) to my daughter in WV. I gave her a bill of sale along with the signed title. Bill of sale said transferred for sum of $1. Turns out they needed a notorized signature on both --- and then would not accept the $1 but charged her sales tax on a higher value. In VA a signed title is all thats needed (with cost and odo reading sited). A title isn't something you'd find in the glove box is it? So why is WV so fussy. In VA, DMV is like the IRS --- ask same question 3 times and you'll get 3 different answers (and stand in line an hour each time). To clarify my prior note: If ya have a title from a fully registered built car then the Certificate of Origin is not required. Its only when you are marrying a chassis to the body that that would be needed. Guess if that is needed, or a Bill of Sale is required, is dependent upon your state authorities.
All, When you run into a problem such as a daughter, son, friend paying a less than book value for a vehicle you are selling all you need is a Notarized Bill of Sale and the title notarized also if necessary. Yes you may get a few different opinions depending who waits on you at the DMV
BUT....if you run into some clown telling you the buyer that you must pay tax on the current book value you don't have to shell out the extra funds.

Ask the office manager not the clerk to dig out their
"Polk's Manual" ( they will look at you as if you came from Mars) this is a National DMV Publication that all DMV's use as a National Guide. This manual states that with a Bill of Sale, the DMV must use said claimed transaction amount as the purchase price to tax .
It also gives many title ID's i.e. States do not issue titles for older vehicles etc.
Ok, I will tell you how working with the guys at is after next week. They are taking my Fl title and application with exemption and taking it to the DMV here in Texas. Saves me a ton of work, cause the DMV told me that I would have to trailer it over , they take pictures and confirm VIN numbers. So the $80 they charged me is well worth it to me for the aggravation. So far they seem quite knowledgeable and not very expensive.

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