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Can anyone tell me what to expect when registering a replica in Virgina. I did a search on this forum with no answers. I'm told by the seller, who has a clean title for the replica, that it doesn't get inspected if it's not a daily drive. I will not be using it for DD, only for club events, etc. 

However, the Virginia DMV website talks about title information, the need for pictures, description of all parts on the vehicle and a state safety inspection if you plan to drive the vehicle under the replica/special custom registration.


My concern is it won't pass a safety inspection before I buy it. It' missing parking brake, wipers don't work, dash turn signal indicators don;t work, and not sure what else an inspection would find. I'm fine buying as is, but would like to know as I would adjust the price with the seller accordingly.



1957 CMC Speedster Wide body.

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The ability to register your vehicle in youe state of residenc is key to your purchase.  Also, at some time in the future, you may decide to sell.  A restrictive registration, as you mentioned in your post, can decrease the desirability of your car to a potential buyer. 


A personal trip to your local DMV with any docs you have may save you a headache in the long run.  In the short run, if you reach a deal with the seller, you can make it contingent upon successful registration in your state.  Meet him at the DMV and go through the process together.  It can help others if you post your results at the end of the process.  Good luck!


Originally Posted by Jim Kelly 2013 SAS coupe-Fiji:

The ability to register your vehicle in youe state of residenc is key to your purchase.  Also, at some time in the future, you may decide to sell.  A restrictive registration, as you mentioned in your post, can decrease the desirability of your car to a potential buyer. 


A personal trip to your local DMV with any docs you have may save you a headache in the long run.  In the short run, if you reach a deal with the seller, you can make it contingent upon successful registration in your state.  Meet him at the DMV and go through the process together.  It can help others if you post your results at the end of the process.  Good luck!


Jim, thanks for the advice. If I buy it, I was planning on addressing those issues after I had it a while and enjoying it. Currently I just have a deposit down til the weekend. I just wasn't sure if the rules apply to registering antique car/ replicas/ special construction the same as regular modern cars in Virginia.

Almost all of our 50 states have adopted unique requirements for registration, depending on population density, air quality, tax issues, etc.  Not only are the states' requirements different, but many are in a state of flux, some changing in response to input from hobbyists, such as ourselves. 


If you are able to contact a local source who is familiar with VA's registration process, he may be able to direct you to a specific office or person who can smooth the waters.  Your local car club can also be a great source of all things DMV in your area.    

Originally Posted by Jim Kelly 2013 SAS coupe-Fiji:

Almost all of our 50 states have adopted unique requirements for registration, depending on population density, air quality, tax issues, etc.  Not only are the states' requirements different, but many are in a state of flux, some changing in response to input from hobbyists, such as ourselves. 


If you are able to contact a local source who is familiar with VA's registration process, he may be able to direct you to a specific office or person who can smooth the waters.  Your local car club can also be a great source of all things DMV in your area.    

Jim, thanks again. Since this is my first "attempt" at a speedster replica purchase I'm not a member of any car clubs but will google some in my area. I've contacted the seller about this as well. Waiting for him to call back. What's interesting is he already has it registered in Va with out the parking brake, etc., so he probably going to be the best source. I'm just not 100% trustful when money is factored into any motivations. Who knows, I may cut my losses and get my deposit back if I start getting the run-around.

I can speak about NY state and if it is registered as a 1969 VW, it must have what was on a 1969 VW when it was built. Seat belts, wipers, turn signals, emergency brake, etc. VA may vary but see if he can get it to pass inspection. I agree what Jim stated, the car will not be as easy to sell if and when you chose to do that down the road. I would rather have it "inspection ready" and go from them. I found this out with a trip to DMV or a visit DMV online. I have found depending who to talk to depends on what the guess to be the law.


If it's already titled/registered/plated in Virginia and you will register it in Virginia, I would be surprised if it needs an inspection. Typically inspections are done when the car is first registered and assigned a VIN or perhaps when transferred between states (assuming you don't have any regular inspections required by your state, like for smog). Obviously you need to check with your DMV to make sure.

I live in Virginia and purchased my CMC based speedster in 2009 with a clean Maryland title. I registered the car at the Tyson's Corner DMV full service location on a Tuesday at about 11:00am (before lunch). I filled out the paperwork at home from a printout that I took from their website, checking the replica box at the top of the paper and following the wording exactly as it appeared on the Maryland title. It is titled as a 1957 Porsche 356 Speedster!?! I indicated that I wanted historic registration with antique tags (some mileage restrictions) and took an 8x10 photo of the car with the paperwork to help the clerk go beyond just the words on the application and original Maryland title. It may have taken five minutes. There was no inspection then and I do not have to inspect the car yearly as I do my other vehicles every year in Virginia. I also do not have to pay the annual personal property Virginia car tax and the registration is permanent, requiring no yearly or bi-annual registration fee. I pay $106./year for full coverage, declared value insurance. 


I also live in VA. I wanted to have mine as a DD.  My SE/Beck was titled in Indiana.  I went to 3 different VA DMV's they all told me I'd have to fill out an application and title as either Reconstructed, Specially Constructed or Replica vehicle.  They have a pretty good web site to tell you all you need to do and the application plus fees.


I did mine as a Specially Constructed and sent the application in to Richmond (has to go there, with all fees, I did also talk to the right folks in Richmond as to what I needed that helped) Waited and in less than two weeks later got my new VA title, then took it and got it inspected not a problem.  Insurance was a challenge too. I went with State Farm insurance. 


Good luck.

My car was originally titled in Penn as a special construction vehicle.  There is no DMV inspection required if it was previously titled in another state as a special construction vehicle.  Just fill out the forms and take to DMV in Richmond.  Pay the fees and sales tax and they will send you a title in a couple of weeks.  You still have to get an annual VA state safety inspection.  And depending on where you live you may have to get an emissions inspection.  In the DC area emission inspections are required.  Where I live in Norfolk they are not.  All air cooled cars will fail these inspections and some water cooled ones will also fail depending on the exhaust, cat etc. 

If I were you I would use Sly's method.  If you can get the car titled as a 57 Porsche or a 69 VW you can probably dodge the emission hassle and possibly the personal property taxes.

Mtflyr...we both have a special const veh title.  How long have you had the car?  Are you required to pay yearly personal property tax on a special const veh?

Originally Posted by justinh:

If it's already titled/registered/plated in Virginia and you will register it in Virginia, I would be surprised if it needs an inspection. Typically inspections are done when the car is first registered and assigned a VIN or perhaps when transferred between states (assuming you don't have any regular inspections required by your state, like for smog). Obviously you need to check with your DMV to make sure.

Thanks Justin.

Originally Posted by Syl Mathis - wide CMC - Falls Church, VA:

I live in Virginia and purchased my CMC based speedster in 2009 with a clean Maryland title. I registered the car at the Tyson's Corner DMV full service location on a Tuesday at about 11:00am (before lunch). I filled out the paperwork at home from a printout that I took from their website, checking the replica box at the top of the paper and following the wording exactly as it appeared on the Maryland title. It is titled as a 1957 Porsche 356 Speedster!?! I indicated that I wanted historic registration with antique tags (some mileage restrictions) and took an 8x10 photo of the car with the paperwork to help the clerk go beyond just the words on the application and original Maryland title. It may have taken five minutes. There was no inspection then and I do not have to inspect the car yearly as I do my other vehicles every year in Virginia. I also do not have to pay the annual personal property Virginia car tax and the registration is permanent, requiring no yearly or bi-annual registration fee. I pay $106./year for full coverage, declared value insurance. 


Sly thanks. The PO is stating what you are. He bought the car in Atlanta, GA and did the new title here in VA with pics, body/chassis info etc. He then got historic plates/reg and didn't need an inspection. I feel better asking someone on the forum who has been through the process, and who isn't involved with selling me something. Thanks again. 

Thanks everyone for chiming in. I know regulations on these cars are different state-to-state and I did my own extensive research on the VA DMV web site, as well as talking with the seller. The Va DMV website though somewhat easy to navigate, did not spell out the information you guys have given me here. Most of it was rebuilding a title, needed photos, inspections, taxes, etc. 


As for talking with DMV officials, I'm not sure of everyone's experiences, but I've lived in many states (MD. N.Y., D.C., VA) and not one official was helpful, even on simple matters. They actually caused more unnecessary time spent then talking with a knowledgeable friend.


I'm thankful for this forum and all it's supportive members providing the "actual" correct information and advice to consider. 


As far as the car, if all goes well with the purchase I plan over time to make sure everything on the car is added or replaced to make it suitable for any state(s) inspections in case I move or need to sell one day.


Thanks again guys!



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