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So, I went to Maryland MVA today to register our Speedster.  It was awesome.


I arrive and get my number at 2:30pm.  Stupid Lady #1 calls me up, looks at my papers and says my bill of sale is a copy.  She needs the original.  I say it’s an email and that the seller is in Georgia.


“I need the original or the dealer can fax a copy to us”


“So a faxed copy is somehow better than the copy I just gave you?”


“Yes.  Have the dealer fax us a copy and someone will call you when it arrives.”


At 4:30 I stopped Stupid Lady #2 to ask about the fax.(MVA closes at 4:30, BTW)


“It’s probably been here.  How would we know who it pertains to?”


“I’m sorry.  I thought that’s why you had this numbering system.”


“Have a seat and wait for your number.”


5:10pm.  Stupid Lady #3 “Is there a lien on this car?”




“The bill of sale doesn’t say zero balance.”


“No it says ‘Paid in Full’ here and here.”


“But it doesn’t say zero balance.  It has to say zero balance.”


“That’s what ‘Paid in Full’ means.”


“But it doesn’t say zero balance.  It has to say zero balance.”


“Actually, it doesn’t.  It’s the dealer’s bill of sale.  It can say anything he wants it to say. He could draw it in hieroglyphics if that’s what he wants to do.  It's his document.”


“Have a seat.  Someone will call you.”


5:35pm.  Stupid Lady #4 “How many miles are on this car?”




“Actual miles?”


“No, 16 miles in the vehicle’s current state. The original vehicle was bought by a builder who builds the car into its present form.  When they build it, they replace all the gauges.  The odometer then shows zero.  The California title shows the original car as mileage EXEMPT.  I checked the box on your form that it’s not actual miles.”


“We need the original mileage on the original car.”


“That’s not possible.  The original odometer is long gone.  There is no way to tell how many miles were on the original car at this point.”


“Well, we need that. The odometer.”


“The original odometer? It’s probably in a California landfill somewhere.  I've been to MVA a thousand times.  I've never seen anyone show up with an odometer.”


“Have a seat and wait for your number.”


6:00pm. Stupid Man #1 “What insurance company are you insuring this with?”


“Grundy Worldwide.”


“I see that on the form, but that’s not an insurance company”


“Excuse me?”


“That’s not an insurance company.  I have all insurance companies in my system and that’s not one of them.”


“I assure you that it is.  Here is my policy and this document shows that I added this car today.”


“I see what you’re showing me but that is not an insurance company.”


“Again, I assure you that it is. I currently have several cars insured with them, as you can see on my policy document right here.  Perhaps you can look for their parent company, Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company?”


“You can’t insure a car in Philadelphia.  You have to insure it in Maryland.”


“What? Look, I already have several vehicles insured with Grundy right here.” *Points at insurance document*


“Sir, I have all of your vehicle information right in front of me.  Your cars are insured with USAA, not Grundy.  There is no Grundy.”


“Yes, my daily drivers are insured with USAA.  My collector cars are insured with Grundy.”


“Sir, your 1978 Ford is insured with USAA.”


“That car was stolen and burned 25 years ago.”


“Not in my system it wasn’t.  Your 1987 Ford Mustang…”


“That car was traded in in 1988.”


“Not in my system it wasn’t.  Your 1988 Mustang…”


“Was traded in in 1992.”


“Not in my system it wasn’t.  Your 1992…”


“Look. I’ve owned 50 cars since then.  Would you rather I just tell you I insured this one with USAA?”


“No. You have to tell me who it is actually insured with.”


“Grundy Worldwide.”


“Sir, there is no Grundy Worldwide.”


“Look.  I’ve been here for hours.  I filled out all your forms. I’ve jumped through all your hoops. I’ve answered all of your questions.  I’m not leaving without my tags, so I suggest you either figure it out or call the hostage negotiators because I’m tired of playing.  I’m the only person left in the building.  Now. Figure. It. Out.”


“Wait here.”


“Where else would I go?”


6:35pm I leave with my tags.


I’m convinced that I was a horrible, despicable person in a prior life, probably a brutal dictator or something.  When I died I went to see St Peter at the Pearly Gates.  St Peter said “No Way holmes.  You ain’t comin’ in here.  You go straight to…Maryland."

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Two questions but first a comment - way back when I dealt with MVA in anticipation of putting my CMC together - the conclusion was, it would be registered as a new car and have to pass emissions. I commented at the time that doomed me to owning a handbuilt, custom very expensive coffee table. Thne I registered it as a 1966 VW street rod. Since then I was harassed by an Ocean City cop because my registration said VW but the emblems said Porsche. If it wasn't so funny watching her crawl into the back seat and lift the carpet to verify the VIN it was going to get ugly. Actually, the view was ugly.


Question# 1 Which MVA did you go to? (I ask because on a camping trip to the Hagerstown area I discovered that my pickup tags had expired 6 months earlier. Imagine the feeling going to the MVA. They asked how that happened and I plead terminal stupidity. I left with a new sticker and registration post dated to that day. - just saying, smaller town people seem to listen and still care.


Question #2 How come you aren't posting this from jail or a psych ward - I think I would be.



What DMV office did you visit? I've been going to the one in Bel Air now for a few years and have never experienced anything like that. They know what Grundy is there. They registered Bridget in 20 minutes, flat.


One time I brought them a completely bolloxed-up bill-o-sale and previous registration on a boat trailer and they straightened that out in 10 minutes.


Next time, where ever you are in MD, drive to the Bel Air office. You will save time.


Man, I'dda killed 'em.

Beltsville, because it's near my office.  What a mess.  The good part is that their failure to master the art of reading worked to my advantage.  I really wanted Historic tags, but had to apply for Street Rod tags because the car is modified from its original form. Stupid man #1 failed to read the application and didn't understand anything I was telling him about the car, so he issued Historic tags.

Unbelievable.  It seems every trip to the MVA yields another ridiculous story.  I have a couple too that we can swap in Carlisle.  Glad you got your tags and anxious to meet you and see the new Speedster.  


The weather forecast is starting to clear up - we're down to "isolated T-storms/30% chance" on Thursday (hell, we go sailing with that forecast) and partly cloudy the rest of the weekend.       

Well, Paul, I work in law enforcement, so beating people senseless must be reserved for the most egregious circumstances in the name of job preservation.  Don't think I wasn't sizing up the Troopers to see how long I could last before they crushed me.


On a lighter note, the car is finished and they have a whole four days to get it here from Georgia so I can make it to Carlisle...






Kirk "forgot" the Carrera emblems for the front fenders, so he's sending them and I get to drill the holes in my new car. Anybody got a template?


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Yup, that story even beats the month-long idiocy I had to get through the SC DMV.  I do have one tidbit that I think you'll enjoy.  At one point Stupid Person #n decided that the 6-digit chassis number that I got from the Beck folks wasn't adequate because she was used to 16-digit VINs.  She gave me a multi-page form to fill out and send in to the capitol.  Among the form's many questions was "What is the length of the mobile home that you wish to register?"

Here's how mine go in Florida...both speedsters.  How many miles.."12 ok.  I need to see the vin...ok go outside and car!  Thanks for letting me see it.  Here's your tags.  Honestly 5 minutes tops.


also why drill holes can't you just cement them on?  I thought that is what Kirk does anyway.

Originally Posted by Lane Anderson - Mt. Pleasant, SC:

Yup, that story even beats the month-long idiocy I had to get through the SC DMV.  I do have one tidbit that I think you'll enjoy.  At one point Stupid Person #n decided that the 6-digit chassis number that I got from the Beck folks wasn't adequate because she was used to 16-digit VINs.  She gave me a multi-page form to fill out and send in to the capitol.  Among the form's many questions was "What is the length of the mobile home that you wish to register?"

I actually had the vin conversation too, but I forgot about it until you mentioned it. 


"Where's the vin on this title?"


"Right here.  It says vin"


"That's not a vin number.  There are 17 digits in a vin..."


Got that part squared away pretty quickly.

Originally Posted by Todd - Jacksonville, Fl - VS:


also why drill holes can't you just cement them on?  I thought that is what Kirk does anyway.

Kirk drills holes and puts his on with the studs.  He didn't drill the holes or send the emblems.  Brian is suggesting I just clip the studs off the emblems and put them on with 3m tape.  At $119.00 each, I think I'd rather put them on with studs and speed nuts.  We'll see.  If I like it nekkid, I might not put them on at all...except that Carrera emblems in particular offend the boys from the 356 registry into a violent tizzy.  They take themselves very, very seriously over there.  In fact, I have a 356 registry grill badge for my 356 that I might put on the Speedster instead.

Interesting.  I've never seen that stuff before.  I have several uses for it.  Thanks.


I think my hopes of Speedstering to Carlisle are beginning to fade.  The shipper was full of promises until he got paid.  Now suddenly, he has a shortage of car carriers because the snowbirds are all leaving Florida in droves and for some reason we didn't see this coming in advance.  Maybe "if I'm willing to pay more" he can still find a truck to get it here by Friday.  Really cupcake? Because it seems to me you either have a truck or you don't - and if you do, it's the one I already you paid for by the date we already agreed upon.


When this saga is over, remind me to tell you about transporting my 356, where the dealer mixed up my car with another one and gave it to the wrong shipping company. 


I had hopes of bringing them both to Carlisle.  Now it looks like I'll be bringing neither. 



I like using the trim studs too, more dependable and neater than tape and glue.  You may already know this but I'll mention it anyway:  when you drill fiberglass always puit a piece of tape on the spot first and drill through that, less chace of chipping.  Also, you may find the fiberglass thicker than the studs are long so just use a dremmel and thin the 'glass behind where the studs come through and you'll be able to slip on the speed nuts. 


Good luck getting at least one of the cars  - hopefully both - in time for Carlisle. 



Man, hella nice car! Beehives!


Do I understand that you have to pay shipping BEFORE THEY SHIP IT? What happens if it arrives upside-down, or not at all? Or they decide once they have your money that there's "no available trucks" to meet your deadline?


Seems like the same risk as with "home improvement contractors" who want all the money up front.


Dr. Clock, is this the way it's usually done in the car-moving industry?



Not all.


Investigated several shippers (brokers) to have my newly purchased VS closed container shipped from Oregon to Connecticut. None that I recall insisted on $$ up front. 


Had a very good feeling about one particular 'low-keyed' broker in Portland who contracted with a shipper that she had a history with.


Paid on delivery after inspecting car from nose to butt.  

Been there. Shipping my Montage from California was a pure headache. First, no truck, next a truck came but complained that my car wasn't drivable (What part of NON-OP don't you understand?) so they wouldn't load it. Another truck came but due to some reason, it wasn't a truck to carry a car. Finally got it on a flatbed and then to a car carrier  (a week later) and shipped to Illinois. Never doing that again. If I want a car, I'll go get it myself! Planning on selling my unfinished Fiberfab 356 and getting a Beck. Luckily, Special Edition is only about 2 hours from me and I have a custom flatbed VW trailer.

I shipped my 356 with Intercity.  They've been great.  One driver picks the car up in an enclosed carrier and he is responsible for it all the way through delivery.  A lot of brokers switch cars from truck to truck until they get where it's going. I'm much happier with one truck and one driver from beginning to end.  Much less chance for damage - especially damage for which no one wants to take responsibility.  My driver from Intercity even helped me find my missing car after it started off in the wrong direction.  Now, he calls me periodically to let me know all is well.  Looks like it'll be here Monday or Tuesday.


I went through a broker for one of my long nose 911s.  Paid for enclosed transport and the car showed up on a rollback.

Originally Posted by Cory Drake:

My MVA troubles ended when I told them to make the decision on what it was. Three VINs; pick one. Looking forward to meeting you, Dude!

Me too, Cory.  We need to talk about good aircooled mechanics.  I know nothing about VWs.  You're a smoke eater, aren't you?  I got set on fire and thrown out of a window once.  Does that count?

I generally charge up front for shipping from CA to GA...I have to get the car here so we can go over it, without exception...therefore, I always include this in the build price, just like the car dealers do(destination)...I use my dedicated shipper who has been shipping cars for me for 12 when it leaves here, I put the customer in touch with Don and he handles the shipment from GA to the buyers state, COD...Yes, COD...Just to clear things up...thanks
Originally Posted by 19652plus2:
Originally Posted by Naughty Gerddddd:


Nope. MVA closes at 4:30, but they make an announcement that they're closed but everyone who has a number will be helped. So I refused to leave until my transaction was complete. 

wow they are idiots i would have rushed your paperwork thru just to go home

Originally Posted by S-ATL-MOTORSPORTS:
to: 19652plus2...

once I get them right, I always want to keep them...however, I very quickly can have a half dozen sitting around in various hide aways around town...hard to sleep at night so I let someone else enjoy them "one at a time"...right now I have 4 VS Speedsters, 1 JPS Speedster, 1 JPS Carrera Coupe, and one '64 356 Outlaw...I am officially out of room...


Brian G


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