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In my experience, registration fee's are based on the price you paid for the used vehicle.  In this case, whatever your donor vehicle is sold to you for is what you will pay in registration. 


There are lots of ways around this sorta stuff... I think it be best to talk to Vintage Speedsters in person.  Or buy one used and list the sale price of $100 


Wow, how many Californians are driving VW pan based cars out there and are getting tickets for driving a so-called illegal car, as stated in the post Larry,just pointed out. What are the fines, if this is the case ? is this really something to worry about.


There's alot of VW pan-based cars out here in California, if this were a really a problem, You would think someone would come forward and say this has happen to me in California, (the CHP pulled me over and said my car was illegal) ?




Vehicles, that are modified by a body change only is not required to be Registered or considered to be a (specialty constructed or kit vehicle).


By replacing or adding parts or accessories is not a Remanufactured vehicle.


A 356 replica, with a VW pan is not defined as a remanufactured vehicle because it still retains,it's VW pan frame,engine transaxles,brakes,and suspension.


If you take VW front end and put a rolls royce front end it's still a VW.not a rolls.


So, i think i will be safe When pulled over By C.H.P. if he decides to pursue anything regarding indentifying my car.


I will carry documentation to support this.



Life is Good, Art


I'm not sure where you got your specially constructed vehicle info.  California Vehicle Code Section 580 states that a specially constructed vehicle is one . . .  "which, when reconstructed, does not resemble the original make". 


If your replica is built on a '64 VW pan, and still looks like a '64 VW, you're good to go.  If not, the specially constructed vehicle registration process applies.


Do your own research from several sources, and make a determination based on that research.  Metro cops, county sheriffs, and CHP officers will not look for the stamped VIN number on your car frame, unless you SERIOUSLY flunk the attitude test.  If you can present legal registration, you're legal for a street stop.   

As i said i think there's many gray areas, regarding this. it's in the eye of the beholder. What about say for instance a baja bug that has all of non original fenders, front clip, rear fenders and no rear deck. This car no longer retains it's original manufactured components. VW weren't manufactured as baja style bugs.


I fully understand what your saying though if you run into the wrong C.H.P and you give him attitude then he can potentially be a jerk and utilize vehicle code 580.


I'm going to look into this further, out of curiosity. This surely isn't going to stop me from getting a car built though. I've surely been in far more trouble then a potential violation for vehicle code 580.


DMV in California, are always looking for ways to make money i guantee you they know this is going on, But are part of the gray area, and they see dollars before imposing anything. We all know, how the economy is and the states condition.and C.H.P is also part of that


The second C.H.P is imposing this it will be known, now does DMV benefit from that or does that hurt them. Volkswagens are being keeped alive because of replicas and DMV benefits from that through registration fees.






Thanks, I'll definitely look into SB100. and make a decision. This can be done if needed after a car is built registered as a VW and purchased ?


This is all new to me, so excuse me i haven't read any literature regarding any of this.SB100


Did, you have a car built in California that is VW pan-based and had the option to register it as VW and decided to go with SB100 route ?

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