WOW ! I'm amazed at the wealth of info out there and I want thank everyone who responded to my inquiry. It seems, however, that questions generate more questions and responses. I hope you all will be patient with me for a little longer.
It seems that most of the info I have received is a little dated (mostly 2003). Bernie Bergman has updated his website this year and addresses many of the comments I have read here. A couple are: Direction of airflow to the right and left sides of the engine and repositioning the the fan strap for hood clearance (especially for a Beck) Also new engine tin to allow exhaust tubing to clear behind the crank pulley (which is smaller in diameter to address fan speed and H.P output reductions. Anyway if any of you are interested, take a look at the new website he has up. I think his system really looks cool and dresses up the engine compartment substantially. I have to admit though,based on all of your comments, there is a lot to say for the std fan cooling system!
Question 1: Where is the best(read most reliable here) place to monitor engine temp? Some say cyl. head and some say eng. oil. Also, what is a safe temp range for these two methods?
Question 2: Has anyone ever installed an accurate magnahelic vacuum gauge (H2O) or H2O manometer in the engine compartment to measure if there is a negative pressure at maximum operating conditions? It seems that many owners are putting extra holes in the engine compartment, hood, etc because of perceived airflow restrictions.
I am very relieved to know about remote oil coolers and where to mount them and not stress about the noise so thanks all of you, for the great feedback.