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Easy to get out, but you'll have to loosen everything to get it back in anyway.

UNLESS you're an idiot like me. My first remove/repair/replace pedal cluster dealio was a total insane pain 'cause I didn't KNOW that everything disconnected at the engine. I was fifteen and it was my Mother's ancient '56 Beetle.
What set from Fibersteel? Carey is putting the LE9.4 complete system into Merlot. I have also bought a Porsche dead pedal assembly that matches my Momo pedal covers (Momo Corse Supergrip). Photos later. I bought the dead pedal assembly on eBay.

The Porsche dead pedal kit is less cost than the Sierramadre foot rest!!! Link:


Images (3)
  • momocorse_supergrip
  • c9b4_1
  • hydraulic pedal assy
I just freshened up the pedals in Bridget last week. DID NOT loosen the clutch cable, 'cause I couldn't reach it. (there apparently is no easy access to this in my TD replica...another story entirely). I did wedge a 2x4 behind it and pry it forward--basically moving it the same way and same distance I would have if the pedal were connected. That gave me enough slack to catch the eye of the cable up front and reinstall the pedal assembly. Just FYI.
Just finished up the installation of my pedal pads. Turned out real nice! I did loosen up the clutch cable and was able to get the whole thing back in with out a helper keeping tension on the cable to keep it on the hook. A little tricky though.
I will post photos tommorow.
The foot rest from Sierra Madre does have a rubber foot pad and they have replacements as well. It looks like it would work in the VS with little or no modification. Also it is very simular to what I was planning to fabricate anyway. And it would probably cost more for materials and labor to fabricate it myself.
A bit of explanation (my 1 hour timed out while trying to edit):

Henry at Intermeccanica spreads the pedal set-up to get more spacing between clutch and brake. I never liked how upright the pedals were, so when I was re-doing everything, I welded a bit on each stop to keep the pedals from returning so far upright, then filed them down to suit. Getting the dead-pedal to match the same profile, and still be comfortable was a head scratcher, but I got it worked out.

I wanted the spacing between all of the pedals to be as wide and as equal as possible, so I mounted the aluminum pads off center to keep everything looking "right".

It works beautifully- heel and toe maneuvers are much easier. I like this modification almost as much as anything I've done (aside from the seats).


Images (1)
  • rsz_11023
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