Standard black painted wiper arms and blades are typically installed on most Speedster replicas by various manufactures, except perhaps Intermeccanica; however, you can get a can of flat "VHT SP188 Ford Argent Silver Wheel Paint Can - 11 oz" at Autozone for around $7 to duplicate the color of the wiper arms and blades that came on the original Porsche Speedsters. Next, remove the rubber blades from the metal body and spray on a couple of coats of the flat silver. Yes, this will give you the same color wiper arms and blades as those on the original Speedsters. And. . . because it is wheel paint, it's also harder, does not chip easily, and it's highly heat resistant.
Cheers Luis
I have one question to ask. Did you also apply a coat of clear-coat to the wiper blades after you had applied the flat silver paint to them?
Cliff Presley