Weirder than some of the above, there was a guy who used to post on this site who really didn't like that his car was a replica. He wanted everyone to think it was a real Porsche Speedster(even though it was pan-based, so it didn't take a Porsche-phile to know it was a replica). This fellow told me how he went about registering it as a Porsche. He got a local wrecking yard to go on the national parts search system to find a '57 Porsche that had been totalled. He contacted the yard when the car was found and told them he wanted to buy the registration and the remainder of the car. It had been parted out pretty much so they negotiated a low price for the deal. The salvage yard asked where he wanted the car's remains shipped. He told them all he wanted was the registration and that they should destroy the rest of the car, or grind the Vin # off. Then, immediatly after taking delivery of his replica, he took it to the DMV and told them the car came from South Carolina and he wanted to register it in California, which they did. I don't know if the Car Facts report would list this one as a salvage. And, I wonder if the story is true.